photon arbiter

We love Totilo.

Did you seriously just comment on a 3 year old post with information about consoles that didn’t exist at the time asking me if it’s still valid?

2FAST 2 ... oh wait.

That cartoon is great.

You need to reread the article. They work for a company and are paid to test the game. They aren’t selling the game. They don’t have the final version of the game. They are QA testers. Not consumers.

I wonder if my 4GB GTX 770 can handle it. I think its similar to the 970 in terms of power. Hmm..

I wonder if my 4GB GTX 770 can handle it... I think it’s close to or equal to the power of the 970.

The difference is the NDA contract. It’s not bullshit. They knew that was a consequence going in. They lost their jobs too, and probably got blacklisted. It’s a very serious issue. It’s not like they were some lucky kid that got the game early.

The difference here is that the leakers signed an NDA contract that specifically points out what can happen if they break it. They promised not to show the game to anyone ever, they broke the promise, bad things happen. These people were employed by a company who gave them access to the game in advance to test it.

They weren’t consumers, they were employees who broke a Non Disclosure Agreement. It’s a contract with heavy legal consequences if broken.

Newsflash, the 360 and ps3 were brickable remotely as well. They don’t brick average users. Just the people who break NDAs. Those are very serious offenses and can seriously hurt a company. The offenders knew that was a possibility if they ever broke NDA.

Yes. They both had the power to do it last generation as well. The users who get that kind of ban broke the NDA and or hurt the company in some way. This doesn’t happen often.

They weren’t going to brick it. They were going to lock the games you purchased behind the online log in. Bricking a system is much worse than that. At least with the other method you’d be able to do things locally with it. A bricked system is dead.

I really should learn how to do Zbrush hair... it might come in handy even though I’m an environment guy.

This isn’t really parkour.. it’s just jumping across 10 foot gaps. He’s not trying to get anywhere by doing this, I could see if there was more to it than that 15 second clip but it just seems kinda pointless.

The wrong place at the wrong time during a riot? What would an innocent person be doing in the middle of a riot? They’d have video proof of what you were doing.

Is this real?

Wait... so the police needed help during the riots and the planes flew over the worst of the rioting to help point out possible criminal activity and that’s a problem to you? I was expecting to hear that this was being used on people every day just for the sake of spying on us. Riots are an emergency situation where

I think this game’s going in enough of a different direction that it will set itself apart from SC.

The first thing I’m doing when mod support is implemented is attempting to model an X-Wing for the game. Don’t worry. We’ll get it in there for you.