photon arbiter

It takes the same amount of technical skill to reproduce his image on the Wii U gamepad as it does on a drawing tablet or screen. So I'd consider that artistry.

The first one is a Saturn Ps1 game. Doa 4 and 5 improved on the speed of the game a lot.

Dead or Alive is my favorite fighting game series, anyone who knows me knows I'm going to be buying this as soon as it comes out. I am happier than a chocoholic in the wonka factory right now.

My guess is translating and adapting games for multiple European countries takes a lot of work.

This is amazing. They're all beautiful and the armor designs are pretty sweet. Although idk how effective they'd be in an actual fight... Elsa is my favorite. I need to learn how to make an epic costume for a convention one day.

It's a beautiful behemoth. They're all beautiful.

As was I, but I'm not aware of it being used in anything outside of MM.

Ever? compared to...

Still works, and now I'm going to listen all day.

That game just wont install on my PC. I don t know why, the patch for 1.9 always encounters a fatal error and dies. Anyone know a fix for it? I really wanted to see the game on my new gpu..

Every time I see new fighter jets and cool drones I imagine what a new Top Gun movie would be like. We need some modern day dogfight movies.

hehe, its so pudgy. " :I Hi guys I'm here for the war"

I traded my CFW Psp 1000 for the vita. My friend wanted to play DJ Max portable 2 that bad.

I traded my CFW Psp 1000 for the vita. My friend wanted to play DJ Max portable 2 that bad.

I'm not planning on downloading that many games for it. The only thing I wanted was the portable version of Dead or Alive 5. I bought Gravity rush from the PSN Store and it's pretty great.

I'm not planning on downloading that many games for it. The only thing I wanted was the portable version of Dead or

You've got to be kidding me. I just bought the 16 gb vita card for my new vita (traded with a friend for it) and now they put the damn thing on sale? of course.

You've got to be kidding me. I just bought the 16 gb vita card for my new vita (traded with a friend for it) and now

Not to be picky... but Smurf accounts are usually used by high skilled players who want to play against lower skilled players and dominate them. At least thats what my friends do. Instead of de-ranking their main account to play on an easier level they get the game again and completely destroy the beginners. It's not

Take us out of here Mr.Paris warp 9!

90 minutes of cars being awesome.

you mean the gameboy color one? That was such a weird game.

I just started an internship at a place where all they use is Mac computers. I was given a macbook from 2010 and it preforms worse than my equally old windows laptop in Csgo with a dedicated graphics card vs my i5 hd 3000. I don't see the point of buying a mac at all. It's pretty, but the prices are ridiculous. If