photon arbiter

Except that it was running on a pc and the pc couldn't handle it. Did you even watch the video?

:\ That's not funny.

That's cool, does the US have any stealth tanks? Also this looks like the future.

If they did their jobs right the people that were sneaking in would have been kicked out.

So far I'm falling in love with Unreal Engine 4. I'm going to make my next portfolio piece in it.

Jokes on you! This game is half life!

Eat your Jacks.

UPDATE: I have been informed that dried apples and apple juice concentrate are listed in the ingredients for Apple Jacks. I have also been informed that they do taste like apples, despite a major ad campaign from the manufacturer assuring us they do not. I don't know what to believe anymore.

The Taki one is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

This is amazing.

Although we might not have always agreed you helped make Kotaku a major site in my internet life. I'm glad to have read your articles and I hope you go on to do well in the future. But don't forget to come home every now and then.

My patches don't take nearly that long. It takes Minutes for me.

That's because its from the future. Duh

Excuse me but you need to address that game by its full name. "Best Baseball Game Ever Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Game of the Year All Day BayB "

Secret of Mana has an absolutely amazing soundtrack. I still need to add that to my SNES collection.

Aww man I think I still have a set of these back home from Highschool. We used to use these to trace our non photo blue pencil animation tests.

Sword of Mana was a blast!

I have a feeling what's really going to happen is one of two options. A) "Oh you don't like our game? /ignore + ??? + Profit anyway = make more games!. or B) " I guess Americans don't want our free to play pay for fun games, guess we don't need to port those!"

That seems like a drastic measure... but having Bioshock on your resume must be pretty nifty.

Does this affect Fios/IO customers in NYC?