photon arbiter

only metal gears are solid.

Game of Nets

I like the idea of a Nintendo Area 51. It adds a mystery to game development that even I as a Game Art student would be able to find magical lol

I remember a time when Famitsu giving a 40/40 was major news.... now it seems more commonplace.

I forgot how long that transformation sequence was. I went to the bathroom and came back and it was still going... wow.

You might be a frog , but you can be THIS frog.

Too bad it's going to die in the end.

I don't think it will be a problem honestly.

You know IR light is invisible to us right...?

I'm not sure you understand how game development works. The artists don't decide what the game mechanics / story is. I'm also not buying a ps4 , I'm getting the xb1. Maybe down the line I'd buy a ps4. But that's not the point. Keep your expectations at a reasonable high and you wont be disappointed in the big games of

I'm actually studying to be an Environment modeler for games. It's kinda my job to know this stuff. Granted I'm still learning but you're being way too harsh on a build of a game that was created months ago. When they show off a game they usually show the most stable test build that they have available. This means

so.. I'm assuming this is the first time you've seen an unfinished game. That stuff is perfectly normal.

We are celebrating it because its the beginning of the age of commercial space flight. That's a big deal.

If you really want it..... I can oblige

That sucks , Sorry to hear that. To a degree it is normal. Hope it isn't too bad for yours.

This is designed for 6 year olds and under. Those kids don't have normal adult pockets / use their pockets. They put things in bags or pouches. I think this is perfect for them. No hinges to break , a nice familiar tablet style body , and all of the great games we love to play for a low price.

Have you tried calling Nintendo about it?....

Their target demographic for this system is too young/inexperienced for the games that will require the Circle Pad Pro. So I doubt it will be a problem.

Flashback! I don't think that channel even exists anymore but that logo.... reminds me of going to my grandma's house back in the 90's. Good times...

I'm curous... did something happen?