photon arbiter

"because nobody wants to play those" You mean YOU don't want to play those. I on the other hand am very much looking forward to buying a Mario party game for the first time since 2 came out and playing it with my girlfriend. Don't forget the reason why Nintendo Direct exists in the first place , its to show us

Well then.. that's quite the reaction

What happens if it crashes though , would it generate a nuclear explosion?

Hey , Jesus came back !

I think it is , look at the intro. It says Namco on it.

I dont know about you, but this intro makes it look AMAZING . Its like a pre-cursor to initial D

Pokemon is as much as a game as REAL LIFE O_O ... lol

Fair enough , Do you remember Starcraft TV ? That map was hilarious back then.

I know the game has a campaign and all... but Starcraft is hardly what i would consider a Single player game , its main focus is on competitive multiplayer. Campaign is fun for the first or even second time through , but its really always been about multiplayer for these kind of games.

im not sure , who doesnt wanna make 80$ an hour though , lol

This is fantastic ! Thanks !

This is AMAZING. Thank you so much.

I've never heard of this... Hard Gay.... Not sure if I want to google it or not lol

Well , YA do nao !

That is impressive , to say the least.

I wonder how the Wii U version will look in comparison.

I wonder if my 550 Ti is up to the challenge? it handles Crysis 2 well at 720 p.

F-Cars. Lol i just imagined some kind of A-team type thing with Ferrari's and explosions , the Ferrari's are on fire of course at all times.

I would love to own a Cayman one day.

Awesome thanks for the info , maybe one day i will travel there.