photon arbiter

very insightful .

This was a really fun article to read. Thank you.

I Lol'd 

Wow , the sky is so smokey . But this picture makes the planet look like it has breathable air and stuff. Of course I'm sure mars is an extremely dangerous place for humans but the clarity of this picture is awesome enough to make me want to go.

Are the wii u and 3ds demo`s able to connect to each other?

Lol Campaign mode in BF ? Don't forget that it has always been a Multiplayer focused game.

3PM Eastern Time :)

Interesting stuff , I never thought they would have a calibration method like this. This is pretty cool.

Hey... Wait up , .. give me a break! *pant*

But you are still playing it on a Wii U though.

Wii U can play and download Wii Virtual Console games.

I`ve been calling her Steevee . Steevee is a light type pokemon. Steevee

Those are rare , but w.e floats your boat.

Well then , thats a personal problem for you then . You missed out , and will continue to miss out until that changes.

its concrete because Majora`s existence can only be achieved with the framework of Ocarina of Time underneath. IE : wherever Ocarina goes , Majora goes.

I would love to visit a place like this , I wonder what it must be like . Hows the food? 

Yeah , hopefully it got dug out before anything signifigant could happen. I hate to see a good car get hurt. 

Wow , I have never been to a track before , or even driven a performance car but even I who learned most of his driving from simulators and youtube videos , and parental/guardian instruction would never do something like this. I cant believe he did what he just did. I would love to go to a track though. Even if its in

Poor thing... I`d take good care of it , maybe her owner wasnt in the area?

Ah , okay. I dont have a car yet , so i dont get to worry about these things. :\