photon arbiter

I just got back my Wii u from nintendo today , and their customer service is , in my experience very good. They are helpful , nice , and willing to go the extra mile to make sure i am in the loop. It was a good enough experience that the pain of having a Launch wii u brick on me was reduced. lol Moral of the story?

Aww man look how fast it goes , it goes so fast. Its so fast it has flames coming off of it. Pink flames , because its so fast. 

I am in love with that shade of green on this car now. Thanks Spinelli. 

I wonder , does this much snow do any damage to the car?

"Objects in the mirror are smaller than they appear."

This is pretty Exciting news. I can`t wait to see what the community comes up with. Is there a way for multiple users to collaborate and make one blog?

No way! You sir , have just made my day. I wanted to buy a camaro. but ... no , now i see i can own this much sooner than i expected. I cant wait to get a car.

That`s what i thought , but they really dont exist. No feet at all.

Well obvious not just based on a feeling. But if they have a bunch of legitimate reasons and intel to back it up , and they have proof , or are in the middle of catching him in the act of committing the plot then i think that kind of situation requires quick action. Drones obviously shouldnt be the first thing to call

If they are actually trying to hurt innocent people and its an extreme situation , then i think its fine. No one is saying to trust them implicitly. No one has a perfect record. Also , i think you meant to reply to the person above me.

" Better to have a handgun or a shotgun to minimize the chances of bullets leaving the house or going into different rooms. Rifles are good for hunting and open combat. When was the last time a citizen was engaged in open combat? The fact is that even if assault rifles were banned, you would still have more than

I feel like this kind of thing is going to be used in the event of a major emergency . Like stopping a plot as its happening. No need to freak out.

oh my god... what is this?... O_O

Why would anyone want to play FPS in a library?... i guess if you have no other way to play then you take what you get. But the idea just doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

I always wondered , is there an escape route for if something goes wrong in a blimp / airship ? I imagine it is very hard to control in high winds , whats it like?

Holy shit , lets do this Next Gen here we go ! woooo!! Microsoft its your turn.

is it weird if i read that as fellows in Jordans?

Syrup. We`ll stop `em one pancake at a time

Imagine that? A smartphone sized battery that powers a car for 1000 miles of driving. One day. if it happens ill remember this post. Portable Nascar pit crews and all.