photon arbiter

Chicken being the creature that made the egg. I guess in terms of the idea "chicken" is just one of the animals it applies to.

Very well said.

How much does the battery get extended by this thing? My little brother has been trying to get a circle pad pro for months and our local game stop keeps saying it got delayed . I wouldnt mind getting myself this one if the extension in battery is signifigant

The chicken came first , a chemical present in eggs can only come from a chicken during the fertilization process. If i remember correctly , the scientists who discovered that were in an article about 2 years ago somewhere.


i completely agree and might i add that the human eye can barely see at more than 30 frames per second anyway .

This .

They are Square Enix now -_- no need to be so technical

Sony keeps advertising it as if it was something new , is what i meant . i know Square enix made it. I have the original black label version of it . i was just making an observation .

Seriously sony , stop playing the FFVII card . It was good back then but its not the system seller it once was. Its time to move on bro.

Its not repetitive at all , having repeating characters doesnt mean that you have to keep re creating them from scratch . I love it. :)

I was thinking the same thing , im in college learning to be a game artist and i was like... this doesnt make sense....

"There is another..."

Non-specific Action Figure is Nintendo`s newest IP . You know it , i know it they know it. Make it happen Ninty

Its quite simple really , to offset the gravitational forces felt by the human pilot inside the suit , the scientists who created it ingeniously designed a carbon-carbon —- ah who am i kidding its an anime and people like boobs.

The only game that offers the level of simulation you`re claiming GT has is I racing and that is an EXPENSIVE hobby. It is by far the most realistic simulation there is , in other words , what you claim to seek wont be found in GT or Forza .

rrod doesnt require a warranty.

Damage is important to "simulation" , not having damage in a "simulation" racer ignores one of the main focuses of a "simulation" to be as realistic as possible. Crashes happen regardless of if you`re "supposed to" or not.

NICE now i have a leg up on my class mates next semester , time to get to practicing !

In my comment on their page i expressed how excited i was at seeing the new engine , and how i hoped to work in it one day. ... but um... yours was good too :)