photon arbiter

Really? I haven`t played the game yet but i will when i go home for summer break , she goes into detail about what you have to do?

because in big multiplayer games like battlefield theres just no room for all of the possible outcomes of player types. 1-8 players , 1-16 , 1-32, 1-64 sometimes... its too varied..

ORLY? awesome.

OMG NINTENDO THREW THE 3DS EVERYWHERE O_O .... that`s the scariest thought of all... *shudders*

The music is cool , i should import this it will make a fine addition to my DS game collection. Too bad it wont play on my 3DS

I love all 6 movies , I don't understand why people feel that a political game starting an entire galactic war is hard to believe , that's how real wars start people . Politics , there`s a reason the other 3 movies have less of that or none of that , because the political war ended at the end of ep3 , they won . sigh

He`s excited to BE disgusted. At least that's the way I see it.

no your wrong shes a magical fairy from another dimension , in her world shes 10,000 so its cool *eyeroll* (obviously sarcasm) ( but that's how anime / hentai works )

WOW seriously the mass effect fanbase needs to grow up , allot of the things bioware has done are terrible but come on , no one is perfect the whining has to come to an end . Im looking forward to playing through all 3 games this summer break .

Methinks Femshep is better voiced.

I have always loved DOA , I started on ultimate at a friends house and moved on to get 4 when I got my 360 years ago , then I got xtreme2 ( that got old pretty fast but it made me feel warm during the cold winter months ) I now have the original for the sega Saturn *japanese* part 2 for the ps2 , and the Dreamcast , I

Oh i see , well ill just have to draw my own then. :)

where did you get that sweet wall art

Ai see whut You did tehre

I was just about to send him there. Good luck player.

*lands my pc copter* My brother , The fight is good on pc , 64 player servers are amazing , twas the only reason i chose it over the Xbox version this time. That and the fact that i have been playing battlefield since BF2 , it just feels more right to me to fight the good fight on pc , but i do love the xbox 360s in

Dont forget that Modern Warfare doesnt have as much to manage in terms of level design as battlefield , Battlefield has destruction to the maps whereas MW does not , it takes allot longer to bugtest and playtest maps with so much detail and so many possible ways for it to change cosmetically , i dont even want to

One thing about Battlefield that you have to learn , its about earning the points , not having a good K/D , although you should have a decent K/D if you do your "job" as a certain class. Dont sweat it though most people have a really uneven K/D at first , you just have to learn how to take it slow and watch your

Question , was the first one good? I never got around to trying the retail version after i tested it at comic con 09

" What am I supposed to do with these!? TAKE THEM BACK!!!"