photon arbiter

Your actually quite right . Who else besides nomura gets credit for the art work ? i find it VERY hard to believe hes the only guy on the team doing art.... although that would explain why they take so damn long to make them . I have nothing against him , more power to him ( figure of speech) at least hes making

no it will come but first it has to be announced as dead in public and then 3 days later Final Fantasy will be saved.

"But for now, Final Fantasy Versus XIII exists in trailer form only. And you can't play trailers."

ah i see, it had a killer ending. Involving God-Koopa Rampaging through the mushroom kingdom among other things.

interesting..... is this also the one that allows mario to turn into a chimpanzee and use his droppings as atomic fire balls?

the same thing that happened to super marios 4-63 i presume.

Moore is one of those guys who needs to be appreciated a bit more . Look at what he`s done for the evolution of games on our behalf . Especially with the Dreamcast , hes one of those figures that really cares about the work he does and if that means cutting a game and upsetting the fans so be it , he does everything

Paul and rufus would like to have a word with you , as would fat wario , snorlax , and dont forget about the entire goron tribe.

you misunderstand , that was just for the cover . it was a vote contest , the fans chose that one , its by no means the "default" FemShep dont worry.

that is what i think tekkenxstreetfighter is going to be like

"long live the gray fox" Damn straight.

Ah i see , well then i guess that doesnt exactly count


If it was me id eat a WAILORD , thats food for at least a year right there. Cooked on a Charizard Class Grill on the beaches of sunnyshore city with my buddy Typhlosion.

omg hearted.

Capcom cares nothing for loyalty , such things are trivial in their minds. Isnt there a monster hunter for xbox in japan only? i remember reading about it.

Idk capcom , you guys had yourselves lined up for a huge success , and then.... its like kottick got to your heads or something , and you just screwed over everyone you cared about. Thats a sorry sight

morrigan hat ftw

sometimes? try all times since about a month ago. lol

i agree that Capcom is dying , but ... i want microsoft or nintendo to get their hands on it if anything . Nintendo and capcom would have interesting games together , while microsoft would probably be able to get the boost it needs in japan. although...there is a reason why capcom died.....