photon arbiter

Kirby was SO OP in Original , and i love every sweet minute of it. Btw.... it seems like something happens if you pause at 1:04.... anyone else catch that?

What a well written and perfect answer to my question. Thank you sir, you are a gentlemen and a scholar ! (my favorite saying)

the ability to pee on snowballs would defenitely be a plus

yeah about that, how do we get promoted ? i have been commenting for about 1 maybe 2 years? now ... so im just wondering if regularly reading the news here and commenting is enough or if everyone who has a star did something extraordinary to earn it. because thats how it seems

Catherine style games

if it was only sound effects and had a point meter on the top of the screen at all times it would have been better. ...until hollywood forces them to add achievements and trophies for no reason

Well i hope they can understand GG GL HF WP and IWin

his voice.... its so interesting... why

I hope you succeed in destroying these ridiculous caps , its not right at all . Good luck.


i see what u did there.

tastosis or day 9 most likely . :)

SO it seems Ps3Kotaku edition is upon us , they are going to rule us all!!!! O_O

Thats great news for the company , congrats guys im actually happy to see companies like pop cap getting picked up by major companies ,its good for them as a business and they have come a loong way.

WOW thats a BIG ASS *gun*

this is funny . "can we put a lever here?"

it really is a nice thing to see as long as they dont ground it with valve time.

eh.... no

says who? look up the Orion space craft . just because we dont use the shuttle does not mean we lost anything, we are still ahead . but more importantly its about working with other people and in that respect no one except humanity is the winner.

i love the shuttle... im very sad about this... :(