
Go Google Inert Gas .... It’s not was easy as just lighting a match.

Ever wonder why some insurance companies ask if you have a car alarm? It’s because it make your rate decrease (not by much but it does). Figure PMC’s would have the same effect on the shipping companies ransom rider policy.

Guess your not up to date on what the prior employment section of most “contractors” resumes. Most of those guys have beards and might as well be sponsored by Crye Precision. Why stay in an SMU making 40-70k a year when you can make bank contracting.

Out of the guys that would get hired to walk the deck figure at

To quote Aliens (still more credible than anything Trump quotes)

“Check it out! Hey Ripley, don’t worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phased plasma pulse rifles,

Which would be ticket. Detective went to Judge calming felony. He might end up catching a felony himself . It has happened when officer cooked the books for drug warrants that went bad and ended with innocents killed.

Cop who detained the owner and took his camera for photographing police alone cost the city around 100k is most likely going to end up working security at a Burger King.

This is not a new thing. Most of the big cities have already had to pay out one or two six figure settlements retrain the force and then their

Would not be local yokels if that was the case. That kind of thing is handled by agencies with acronyms. Not some townie detective.

If this is a “classified investigation” then it is the worst kept secret in the history of policing. If that was the case they would have not grabbed the cars until after they made arrest. We just had a big compounding pharmacy round up and the feds came in and grab a ton of high end cars but it was ALL AFTER the

Yup. No idea what is going on here. If I was one of these guys I would FOIA the PD’s auto insurance policy. I am pretty sure driving a non city owned vehicle on the clock even if it was for “inspections” is going to throw a HUGE red flag up with provider.

Might be your civic duty to also call said insurance provider

For a number of writers for blogs this describes them perfectly but you leave out a whole segment of guys who actually want to write stories. Guys that break the Baylor story or chase down a news tip that they should file a FOIA request for a certain case number. Do not believe for a second their are not bad asses

Not so free.... I agree it’s total bs ether way. That would be like a coach demanding that I have my credential yanked for photographing a player limping at during warmups....…

Jonathan, Lets not forget about MLS.... They pretty much have this exact same setup....

Correct me I am wrong but the whole premise behind the A-10 was never for it to survive. The plane was designed to kill as many tanks crossing the Fulda Gap as possible before going Winchester and being knocked out of the sky in an attempt to buy the guys on the ground as much time as possible to get the big toys into

That would make to much sense.

Higher and faster is not always better. Consider your a FAC attached to a platoon of troops in contact. If you have an A-10 overhead he is actually moving slow enough that he can visually ID your position and the FAC can use that to vector the bird in. Add the added deterrent that if you can see him so can the enemy.

Good point.

A dirty bomb would be horrible but if they meltdown a plant it’s a whole entire different magnitude of bad in a county the size of Brussels. Dalton Fury basically illustrates the threat one his books.Whatever their plan hopefully the counter terror guys are in place by this point. Two days after the attack someone

Considering the amount of firepower the Russian Navy has in range of every airbase, radar site, command and control, power station, fuel refinery and ammunition dump that becomes fair game if Turkey starts lobbing cruise missiles. It would be bad day in Turkey. Their best bet would be to have every aircraft in their

If you have not yet taken the opportunity to rewatch this video and picture the backseat passenger as Bubbles now if your chance. It might give a better perspective on the level of intelligence captured in this video.

Gun was hot. He was trying to get what looks like an vehicle trigger guard holster of it. They are pretty popular in Mississippi. It is basically a molded piece of plastic of leather that covers the trigger but has a tie down where you can attach it to a hard point on a vehicle. Basically same principal as a holster