missionary position

I got charged £140 by my mobile phone company for going 400mb over my data allowance. Considering I was paying £8 for 5GB monthly allowance I was pissed!

Google are selling the Nexus 7 at cost. Amazon is selling the Kindle Fire HD at cost. Both are happy to make no money on the hardware on the hope they'll make the money back on content sales. Whilst the low price of their tablets is good news for consumers the BIG problem it creates is that their pricing strategy

Option A might get the phones in people's hands and Nokia may well sell them by the bucketload but selling the phone for $100 when it should retail for more will create problems further down the line for Nokia. Not all consumers are savvy- they don't appreciate that Nokia are selling the phone cheap to grab market

A civilian nuclear program is not easily converted into a weapons program.

So you'd have no problems if Iran flew predator drones 12 miles off the US coast?

Apple's iPad Mini costs more because the competition are selling at cost.

I'm always being told Android is "more open"

Really? I'm from the UK and 3 months into an 18 month contract I received a text informing me my mobile operator was increasing across the board the cost of calling certain numbers. I managed to ditch the contract without penalty and also keep the phone free of charge. The UK and EU has quite decent consumer

Google listens to its developers and is more developer centric- which is why you've never heard one complaint about Android's lack of proper low latency audio API'S in the SDK. Midi and USB audio support is first class. The result is all the cool music production apps, synths, controllers, etc are only available on

From the Reuters article

If anything you'll find that Google owned Motorola Mobility are being investigated for possible antitrust violations for seeking to ban competitors' products by abusing FRAND committed patents. Samsung faces similar antitrust investigation in the EU and South Korea for abusing FRAND committed patents.

I heard the book "The Hobbit" reveals the film's secret ending.

The other day I downloaded the 'hail Mary' ticket that allowed me to pose as an NFL ref at the Seahawks Vs. Packers game. It went so well I might try it again

"Dinner's ready"

Greg Heller's moral indignation isn't just reserved for Apple- He holds all companies to the same exacting standards. That's why when he researched the business practices of Samsung, HTC, Nokia, Dell, Microsoft, Packard Bell, Sony, Panasonic, et al., his decision was to boycott them also.

Thanks for the chuckle!


Apple offered Samsung the chance to licence the patents it insisted they infringed, they refused leading Apple to take legal action to assert their patents-Yet you make it sound like Apple are acting like warmongers trying to crush the opposition instead of playing nice. Apple already cross-licence patents with

The sudden shock of being immersed in cold water is enough to reduce your breath-holding capacity to 10-20 seconds, which is why most people drown before escaping to safety

The patents Apple are asserting aren't standard essential patents. Samsung and Motorola have both sought injunctions against Apple for infringing their standard essential patents (which they made a commitment, and are obligated, to licence under FRAND terms.)