missionary position

@BazookaJoe: I don't think I've ever read a meme that made me laugh, or in any way added to conversation in a positive way. I've always imagined the people that post memes, thinking they're being witty and hilarious, are the same people that think Friends is the funniest sitcom ever written.

@ddhboy: Roman Abromovich is far from a self made man. Google how he made his billions. It certainly wasn't all hard work and brilliance. There's a reason he employs a private army for his protection!

This story reminds me of a promotion by Hoover in England in the 90's-

My father was a painter and decorator and one night my 2 brothers and I, having got hold of the keys to his new work's van, decided to paint it using the tins of paint we found in the back. I was only 5 and my brothers were 6 and 7 respectively. We were absolute terrors growing up!

@LTMP: That made me laugh. I still have no idea what Sean Paul is saying most of the time, except reminding us of his name every 5 seconds

@venc: Actually this house isn't $100 million- the article refers to a house in South Kensington that cost that

@Skir Mernet With a shorter Nick: Yes because that's how it works. The architecture of this building does nothing for me and it is an eyesore. Take away those coloured panels and I bet this building is just a mass of poured concrete and steel.

@JakeMG: For the price and compared to the decorative bamboo headphones featured the Klipsch S2m's are very good value for money and they are super comfortable.

@shpe:I have a rule I always follow; disregard any statements made by someone whose grammar is poor. I'm not a grammar Nazi, just an arrogant fuck! I like the way you've learnt to think for yourself though.

@wætherman: Well the price is AUD$1.28billion without the US$ friendly conversion. Doesn't seem like the Australians got good value for their money-the building is a fucking eyesore!

@JakeMG: For the price $27.99 these Klipsch S2m's are an absolute bargain [] they are a great sounding headphone and are really comfortable- the oval shaped silicone gel caps fit snugly in the ear canal providing a good seal and very little strain if wearing for long periods of time. They also work as a

@minimaltek:Go for a decent pair of in-ear canal sound isolating headphones. Make sure you avoid the crap $15-$20 ones they may look similar to more expensive ones but will ultimately be money wasted as they generally sound terrible. There are plenty of bargains to be had in the $30-60 range and some of these are

@Ericwalsh90:You obviously have never used in-ear canal sound isolating headphones. I own a pair of Klipsch Image X10's that cost $250. The sound quality is amazing. The depth of the bass is unbelievable- better than the response from any headphones I've owned to date. And the soundstage they produce really makes you

@Zelyre: If the amount of negative stories published about the iphone 4 and its antenna problems were representative of balanced and fair reporting here on Gizmodo, then I would expect that the equally popular Engadget blog would have published at least as many horror stories regarding the problem. It may be that I've

@blash:Well US notes, in comparison to other world currencies, are easier to forge as they are all the same size and colour (prior to 2003 issued notes) and the old trick of bleaching the colour from a $1 bill and over printing the $100 design is hampered since all bills issued since 1990 higher than $5 and up have a

@A.Jaswal: Having the printing press and plates doesn't magically get you access to the paper and inks used to make the currency. Unfortunately Staples doesn't sell banknote paper and the specialist inks needed.

@A.Jaswal: So Steve Jobs is capable of running one the most secretive and successful tech firms in the world. Creating the buzz and marketing hype that sees the World's media without fail, year after year, attend his 'Keynote' addresses waiting for his "One more thing...." so they can slavishly disseminate the info to

@TechHaze: And the billions upon billions of photos they'll possess taken at arms length to snap that group shot of 'friends' doing fuck all worthy of celebration and devoid of any artistic merit.

@ddhboy: You're probably right- we're not far from that scenario now. Go on a date, or meet someone in a bar, and they're probably checking whether or not you're on Facebook and if so whether your profile is public. Time to pull The Lorenzo Von Matterhorn!

@RockstarAgent: Of course! Years of expertly crafting and carefully managing their PR machine to become one of the World's most celebrated tech firms and they'd jeopardise all this to help their "Made for iPod" partners shift a few million skins, to solve a problem they knowingly created.