Didn't Sony say they were going to stop sending mixed messages and concentrate on the PS3 being a games machine first and a media player a distant second?
Didn't Sony say they were going to stop sending mixed messages and concentrate on the PS3 being a games machine first and a media player a distant second?
Not surprising really, Capcom have shown virtually no interest in allowing arcade owners to get Street Fighter IV overseas, so something as "obscure" as TvC never really had a chance to begin with I think.
Hey, it's Cheltenham in the picture. I live there. :) That road in the picture is gone now, it's all been pedestrianised.
They might have started programming it 4 years ago, but they were clearly working from a 10 year old design document that ignores all the better ideas for that genre that have come since.
That's looking pretty cool. I had previously thought you couldn't get out of the car, but now there's stuff on foot as well it's looking like this could be pretty cool.
Come on Fahey, stoke the fanboy flames and tell us about these graphical differences between the 360 and PS3 versions!
The Rocky theme? Awesome. I had the DC version but it never seemed to work very well (which I assume was my 3rd party maracas which often missed when I moved the maracas up/down). Plus it was a pain to wire it all up to play.
@LittleBigPlaneteer: Well said. I've never been particularly impressed with the Halo franchise, and with "How is this different to Halo?" in the title I nearly didn't even bother reading the article, as it implied this game is just a Halo clone. Having now read the piece it appears to be an interesting sounding game…
Meh, I hardly ever play on mine and even then it's usually homebrew. Maybe if this model looks nicer and can still be hacked with a custom firmware I'd consider it.
That's really well made. Presumably it's just for making multi-player maps, but it would be cool if you could also script stuff to make single player maps, overall though it should be fun to mess about with.
I would guess he's been told told to jump out before he gets kicked out. I wonder if they'll be able to lure Itagaki back or if they even want him back? He was probably their biggest asset so it would be a good idea to get him back if they can.
@天: Exactly the quote I was about to highlight. I would expect "Ken has remarkable expertise in the protection of intellectual property" translates from bullshit-speak to "Ken knows which politicians to bribe to get what we want".
I never really liked Frogger much, the way you could only move a single block at a time in 90 degree directions just feel too limiting. Still, I guess if you're a fan you will enjoy it.
That's a really cool trailer, I hope the game is actually using that cool style and it isn't just a great trailer from the marketing department.
Well, I loved RE4 so this game has a good base to start from, and the removal of annoyances like the save system and the time limits should hopefully make this game the classic it should have been to begin with.
Soul Bubbles was awesome, if "pro" reviewers couldn't see that then they shouldn't be calling themselves games journalists.
T-Bag is such an awesome character, I hope they still find a way to keep him in the show next season.
I've been running my launch model in a custom case for a while now. I might give this a look since it looks easier to get at the innards than the fiddly plastic tool needed for normal shaped cases...
Please be Shenmue III, Panzer Dragoon Saga 2 or Jet Set Radio 3.