Hopefully this will mean some more of Konami's arcade games being released on XBLAH, like Simpsons, Turtles in Time and Aliens.
Hopefully this will mean some more of Konami's arcade games being released on XBLAH, like Simpsons, Turtles in Time and Aliens.
@Black-Dog-Howls: All these medical and military uses are totally different from games. Games require fast and responsive graphical interfaces, the medical and military uses are purely for data crunching. The main data crunching games do is 3D graphics, and the PS3 has the RSX for that.
My countrymen buy an awful lot of shit.
Aren't the dark days now? What with all that casual shit...
I had thought Nintendo's decision to release wrist straps in black, red, silver and lime might have hinted at new incoming Wii colours. Oh well.
@PapaBear434: I'd have liked it to be a sandbox game as well. It worked on a basic level for the old C64 GB game, a fully 3D version of that with a bit more depth to the gameplay could have been awesome.
Kevin Riepl has been replaced with Steve Jablonsky? While I liked Jablonsky's work on Transformers (the only part of the film that wasn't utter shit), I really liked Riepl's score for Gears 1, especially the Gears theme that played during the last level of the game and over the end cut-scene. I hope Jablonsky isn't…
Since Dexter is one of the best things on telly at the moment I am automatically obliged to take a passing interest in this. Although if it's as shit as the other iPhone games I've played so far I'll not be buying it.
Is it just me or does Don Mattrick remind anyone else of a geekier Tom Cruise?
@SupaPhly: They'll never be able to have Internet Explorer on the 360, it's such a massively insecure pile of crap that hackers would have breached the 360's security within hours of release allowing people to write all sorts of malicious Xbox bricking code.
@Netnavi: I agree, I don't see how this could be an epilepsy thing, and if it was they could have easily fixed that by now.
Kojima's comments seem to contradict his prior claims to Edge about the team over-estimating the power of the PS3 and how he had to scale back many of his ideas to fit the hardware.
Why the hell isn't this what they're making for the Wii???
I think it's been established this is something to do with Nintendo's analogue triggers, which I think will be a blessing in disguise. I hate using the mushy analogue triggers of the classic pad for SNES and N64 games. Maybe Nintendo will get around to releasing a more suitable pad for those games (particularly N64…
I liked Duffy, but the rest of that list is good.
Megaman was hard because it was cheap, like forcing you to memorise the sequence of appearing/disappearing blocks with a drop that would kill you if you made one mistake. It also sent you back to the start of the level if you used a continue, requiring you to do all the shit you'd already done again. It was an…
That one with Mario blowing on a cartridge would make a good Wario Ware mini-game on the DS... ;)
@Jerkfish: Or at least re-design the shopping mall to be a little more contained so there aren't wide open areas completely devoid of zombies.
Hmm, this is a big disappointment. Maybe they'll release the fixed version of the game on 360? I was really looking forward to getting rid of the timed missions etc.
I think the Wii is going to be the one breaking the PS2's numbers this gen. Maybe the PS3 could manage it, but at present it's mostly core gamers buying 360s and PS3s. The casual market that bought PS2s for Singstar, EyeToy, Buzz, etc are for the most part migrating to the Wii, which means even when the PS3 hits cheap…