
Now this made me laugh!

It is not weird but they will have to dress up and fight crime together. 

I thought in order for it to be a murder there had to be 3 crows?

Provoked or not, I still suspect fowl play.

I once had to capture a loon who had landed on a road near my cottage in Ontario. Loons can’t take off from land - they can barely even walk - so this guy was in trouble. Watching him try to take off was brutal; it sounded so painful, and he was exhausting himself trying. (A conservation officer told me they sometimes

For anyone that hasn’t read both Once and Future King and Book of Merlin, the biggest issue with the books as potential for film adaptation is that it is often full of conversations about the nature of ruling, destiny, and power. And sure, Game of Thrones and Dune had those, but they also had sex, food and violence.

LOL Loons are pulling a war of 1812 on your butts! Go loons! 🇨🇦 First that eagle, then we burn down the White House again.

I’m team loon only in loon v Canada goose. Bald eagles are fine.

No ornithomancers on staff?

The thing is, even if T.H. White is 66 years dead at this point, The Once and Future King would still have to be optioned for an unknown amount of money. Just plain King Arthur, like Robin Hood, is free. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these generic Arthur movies started out as official adaptations but studio

I’m surprised that The Once and Future King hasn’t been optioned for a movie, what with Game of Thrones and the Tolkein adaptations of the last couple of decades. Instead we get variations of the Arthur legend like that Guy Ritchie movie or, going way back to even before the LoTR films, that one with Sean Connery and

That sword comes out of my salary!

I remember as a child I would always double feature this with Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as though they were part of the same universe.  explains a lot actually

New Zealand has Karl Urban so clearly it is the greatest country on the planet.  I'd seriously consider moving there but moving to another country with a kid with an autism diagnosis is complicated and in some cases not possible (although believe Canada made it easier for people with disabilities to immigrate). 

Man, keep that shit on AO3. 

Honestly, I think what’s going on here is Chrissy knows she won, almost everyone is on her side except for Karens/blatant racists (and who even cares what they think except for other Karens/racists), and she gets to look like the bigger person. She went high, etc. I don’t think it necessarily means she truly accepts

Well of course you can choose your own adventure, but I think that Chrissy talking here about she isn’t proud of the things she used to say when she thought of herself as just an internet snark and she appreciates that she has had the chance to be better. She straight up says that she now thinks about the things she

I know she’s naive, but does Chrissy think you fully earn back trust with a single apology after something like Roman said? For something like that, an initial apology is the start of atonement. It’s gross and weird to see someone playing up to their bully.

That dress is so fucking stupid lol