so actually at that age Tessa broke up Sale/Pelltier’s marriage (i mean not really, i’m sure the scumbag would have cheated anyway) so I’m sure scott knows tessa well enough to be like, eh, more of a sister.
so actually at that age Tessa broke up Sale/Pelltier’s marriage (i mean not really, i’m sure the scumbag would have cheated anyway) so I’m sure scott knows tessa well enough to be like, eh, more of a sister.
so Tessa broke up Sale/Pelltier’s marriage (i mean not really, i’m sure the scumbag would have cheated anyway) so I’m sure scott knows tessa well enough to be like, eh, more of a sister.
not if the partner (like eric radford, for example) is not into the ladies (or female and vice versa)
tights are opaque tho, so it’s the same deal as an illusion dress
tights are opaque! so not really
1+ fumble
the reason is that most skaters are not as superhuman as gabby is in their ability to properly tie skates with them
when i read the headline i was like wtf... i dunno why i’m still surprised when i hear about these asshats
omg it’s only -2 Celsius, come on
are you my soulmate
this kid had tickets to the superbowl!!!! im sure he could get justin tix if he wanted to, ellen
hollow crown!!!
(they just choose music they feel they can get the best performance out of. when you’ve skated that long, you’ve heard p much every possible track and type of music. Personally, i just chose movie themes from movies i liked. Or coaches choose. For ice dance, depends on the type of dance they’re skating. waltz, tango,…
speaking as a skater, this is how collegiate tournaments (at least in Canada) are run. So, I think it’s great.
are we soulmates
phil. kessel. 63 point. darkest timeline indeed.
oh man i am so ready