

The slipper (clog) is a holdover from the Doyle cannon!!

Are you my mother???

I listened to that Album all day wednesday

She wasn’t born in America...

I’m so sorry no one loves you </3

Unless he tries to do the term limit thing and tries to get rid of Paul Ryan- because then they’ll have Pence who is a real republican for President. And then the worry starts really happening.

oh and the polls have been so accurate

I hope Stien is fucking proud of herself

Americans: what’s the point of a secret service code name if everyone knows what it is?????

I want to be martha when i grow up

The fact that she hasn’t given up despite EVERYTHING shows she is the /exact/ person to be president!!

i always hated Aragron and Viggo is voting for Stien. Coincidence? I think not

umm, but what about, yes, voting with your vagina because it’s health is in serious jeopardy if that moldy cheeto wins???

I was at Maraiah’s concert! She sang two songs- but was radiant, as per usual

it looks too steam punk

Lord John is my favourite!!! If you read his mysteries you get a lot more insight into his character and backstory and he’s wonderful!!!Little defiances because he can’t openly show his biggest.


“moody, sometimes petty, often dramatic, yet curiously lovable men we keep in our lives”

My Dad, who shares Drake’s birthday rules too! :D