@wild_world_girl: Gee, because that's totally what I said. Maybe reading more than the first sentence of my post might help :)
@wild_world_girl: Gee, because that's totally what I said. Maybe reading more than the first sentence of my post might help :)
Wooooooooooo, ready! Ready! To! Friday! Yeah! Woo!
@alphaprologist: Two good games (And yet, neither the best TPS I can think of, nor the best RPG, though certainly one of the best games of recent years) do not a golden age make.
@alphaprologist: So, who do I support? Activision is laughable, EA have stopped getting better and gone back to their old selves, the less we say about Ubisoft the better, 2K are doing the whole activation code thing, so on and so forth. Who, precisely, is worth saving? I certainly don't condone piracy, but who's…
@alphaprologist: This is our golden age of video games? If this, the age of DLC, paying more money for less than content than the prequels, rampant oversimplification, and overrestrictive DRM (Yes, for consoles too. What, you think having codes locking you out of multiplayer, or the security put in place on the…
@Shin-GO: That sounds like an idea. I've been using Firebug and fiddling around with things to make it easier, but that sounds easier than that.
@mchex: That sounds like a great idea, thanks!
@BPhillips21: Not only dropbox, a python script that monitors a folder and executes anything inside, then erases it on the next loop. Simple stuff, but very useful.
@Shin-GO: That all sounds like good advice, I'll make sure to keep it all in mind when trying to create another design :)
@coreyog: Dropbox is absolutely brilliant. I use it to share files with friends, both on and offline, to make shuffling files to and from Xorgless servers much easier, to access and control my PC from elsewhere, and basic version control (Though obviously dedicated version control is better for that, 30 days of…
Wooo! Ready! Ready! To! Friday! All! Day! Long!
@Tim Raines: Public/Private keys? Easy to generate, very difficult to forge.
@George GayOrg Lee: Perhaps because you could easily integrate this into another autohotkey script and have it be much faster than moving your hand over to your mouse? If you're that OCD that having an additional file freaks you out, I suggest never looking under \Windows :P
@George GayOrg Lee: Something about having a feature only easily accessible on the mouse when you're using a command line just seems mad, to me.
@SquareWheel: <3
The day I realised that dropbox public links had a predictable and easily generated public link was a grand day indeed - on that day I wrote a python script that's been handy many a time for sharing files publicly! It's incredibly similar to this applescript script, except will also copy the file to a location based…
@TheFu: Thanks, I'm pretty sure I'll be ok with whatever syntax gets thrown at me, but its tips like that that are really helpful :)
@TheFu: c# seems more useful "in the real world", especially its similarities to java, and I figured it might be a bit easier to dive into than C++. I still plan to learn cpp some day, having a lower level language handy would be very useful.
@Dilpickle v1.3.1: Well, it don't seem all that hard, though I have a fairly good grasp of the basics of programming in general, I suppose. I've tried teaching other people in the past, but I'm a terrible teacher, so my only advice can be give it a shot! If it goes wrong, nobody has to know!