@Prairie Moon: Ooh. I've always used fb2k's fancy replay gain thingie, but I'll give this a shot :D
@Prairie Moon: Ooh. I've always used fb2k's fancy replay gain thingie, but I'll give this a shot :D
You guys are spooky. Looked at my top-rated tracks today and there were a few duplicate entries (Because frankly, whoever wrote the database plugin for fb2k needs a long lesson on Normalisation) and as they had slightly different names, and were encoded differently, my own duplicate finder failed. This might not <3
@mojo: Very few developers are good PR people - I'm guessing mozilla has a dedicated PR guy. They're paid to say things like that, though thankfully not to develop software.
@DarthDie: Vimperator is bloody brilliant. I found that j didn't scroll down enough, and C-d scrolled down too much, so I bound J to 10j, in one line! I wish all software was that configurable.
@Kovski: No, really, I'm serious! :P
@GamerOfFreedom: Call that clean? This is clean!
Fast? Fast is good.
@TomXP411: You want a method to transfer files between PCs that's not third party OR first party? How odd. Have you considered something like rsync, anyway?
@kondrik: "kinda scary" is probably one of the better ways to describe it :P
@kondrik: Damnit, even your "under maintenance" page is better than anything I could do :P
@Owen Reade Genzlinger: Take a peek at "makeIndex.py", it's the script that generates it. Creates a listing of each folder and it's contents, then generates a static index.html for each folder.
@strabes: I guess it doesn't sync desktop.inis then :(
@A-Jey: You look approved-for-commenting to me :)
@Jeff Jerousek: Yeah, going over De Broglie's formulas. Interesting stuff.
Dropbox is great, and you can do fancy things like [dl.dropbox.com] with it.
@iSmithx_reloaded: You kiddin' me, I've atlantis to watch after this :P
@popise212: ooh, I've never been in a captioned image before :3
@WoodyInNY: That could work, but it doesn't feel very "apple"y, which they seem to hold higher than having features.
@Zinger314: Go with Windows 7, it's much better.