
So this really is a beta and not the mainstream nougat images?

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Surprised Adidas Sport Performance didn’t make the list.

Surprised Adidas Sport Performance didn’t make the list.


Surely we can come up with a better clickbait title...
“Caught on Camera: Ryan Lochte hits Women(‘s bathroom door)

I don’t think most states’ rules would cover Furniture for the tax holiday. Most of them concentrate on clothing and school supplies only.
Regardless, the tax holiday saves less than 10% (some states only ~5%). Hardly what I’d consider to be a deal worth waiting for.
You also have to understand that it’s not free for

Wait.. the Utopia YOU created?!?

Now playing

It’s the stream.
Game runs at 60fps. Kotaku’s Stream/Video were 30fps.

True, but I bet the Titan was having a blast...

82% of credit card fraud is due to skimming/cloning vs only 14% from lost or stolen cards.

“If you’ve tried an unamplified HDTV antenna like the Mohu Leaf, but can’t quite pull in every channel you want, this Vansky leaf-style model includes a USB-powered amp that should add a few miles of range.”

“If you’ve tried an unamplified HDTV antenna like the Mohu Leaf, but can’t quite pull in every channel you want,

“ If you donate you usually get interaction with the streamer. With this you get...?”
This is just a way for twitch to try to solve the “donation chargeback” issue while also taking a cut. It would be a win-win if streamers get the same cut they do from a paypal donation (something tells me this is unlikely though).

Too many practical effects. Have they learned nothing from Hollywood? Just add shit in post, it’s way cheaper.

But Sky isn’t a game company. They’re not in the same market. So why would the trademark even apply?

A lot of things about this story/product seem reasonable, but then there’s the 320kWh battery... Batteries are HARD.

Why not just show each team a POTG?

TV’s Michael Gray has a nice ring to it...

Well, it’s no more secure in the instance of a lost or stolen card, but that actually constitutes a very small portion of the CC fraud in the US.

I haven’t received a chip card from any CC company yet, so I assumed we were just talking debit.
Banks seem to have adopted it much faster.