Not necessarily. Debit fees are often a flat rate while credit is a percentage.
Not necessarily. Debit fees are often a flat rate while credit is a percentage.
But that’s the thing. You CAN use chip+pin right now. It’s even the default at most retailers.
The correct answer: if you have kids or pets and you can’t use the “over” configuration, use under.
LITERALLY everyone else should use over because touching the wall after touching your ass is fucking gross.
Even if I just tossed all my socks into drawer haphazardly, it would take less than half this time to find a match. : /
Imagine this scenario: you plug your printer into your chromebook’s USB port. The chromebook reads the model information and sends that to the cloud print server. When you hit print the print job is sent to the cloud print server which runs your job through a driver for that printer. That output gets sent back to your…
It needs to be visible to a network AND it has to be a “cloud ready” model, otherwise you still have to have a PC or print server in the mix. None of their printers are cloud ready, so the specifics of how they connect to the network is a bit of a moot point.
“A chromebook has a USB port doesn’t it? So why can’t I just…
The printing/scanning issue is the only thing preventing me from suggesting all my family members dump their old laptops and move to Chromebooks.
The moto Maxx was mediocre?!? That’s your argument...
You could have said “it was only available on Verizon”, and that would have been a valid point... but mediocre? Get out of here.
Fact is, you are trying to use an assumption as evidence to support your opinion that a phone with a huge battery would be better. But the…
There have been phones that had much larger than normal batteries (and the phone was both thicker and heavier for it).
“However, if phone batteries actually lasted throughout the day, this wouldn’t be an issue.”
Wouldn’t spray-on be far superior to sticks in this situation?
I see lots of people with similar complaints, but I put 60 hours into the game in my first playthrough and outside of the ridiculous choice (or lack thereof) they leave you with at the “end” of the game, I thought it was pretty great.
I wasn’t able to make Johnny 5, but here’s a picture of his mother:
Sid Meier’s Sim Golf
We need a remake of this game so badly.
As others have said, the simplicity of the game means that it’s incredibly easy to mod. The easier it is to mod, the more people join in creating their own content. The massive amount of free content keeps it interesting.
Please oh wise one... tell us exactly how many articles we are allowed to write about a popular subject!
BibleThump BabyRage A site on the internet posted an article that doesn’t interest me! BabyRage BibleThump
Personally the game doesn’t interest me, but I had no idea it had mods. Any way you shake it, that’s awesome.
I think it’s just because they already had the 5 character auth strings they sent to your email, and they wanted to keep it consistent?
I don’t think Authy supports Steam’s character substitution implementation.
This isn’t a solution for everyone, but if you’re using Steam on a Windows machine you can use WinAuth as a substitute for a mobile device.