
Oh, I get it; you spend time with someone, you’re bound to develop a fondness for them (assuming they’re not a total piece of shit, anyhow). That’s just human nature.

I am fond of my wife’s sister. I would never try to get her into bed, though, for three reasons:

First, I love my wife, and I would never do anything to

Your wife knows, sorry buddy but you just know these things. You’re abusing her emotionally doing this, and you are a wanker.

O’m not gping to judge you but...dude, break up with your wife. Clearly this monogamy thing isn’t for you, at least not with this woman. So break up with her now and minimize the damage. Don’t wait till she finds out - and she will. They all do, sooner or later.

What can you say?

A.) I’m 36.

B.) I am a professor of Rhetorical Composition and Literature—and coming from a professional in the field, prescriptivism in casual communication is not a good look, particularly in light of how language actually functions.

C.) It’s a colloquialism. If that’s all it takes to get your boxers in a bunch (and

But...what can I say, we really like fucking each other?

if my wife found out, which she won’t” lol

Being a sociopath (or at least a person severely lacking in the conscience department) has to have its perks—like fucking whomever you want (assuming they’re willing) whenever you want.

I love sex—but I guess I hate the idea of potentially tearing a family apart by fucking two people in that family more. I dunno. I’ve

You started an affair with a 17-year old when you were 24? 

You do you, my man, but I really, really hope you’re not bringing additional “gifts” home to your wife through your dalliances.

...and may whatever higher power you believe in hold out that she does not find out, as it would destroy not only her relationship with you, but with her sister. That’s where my judgment

I mean, yeah, here’s hoping for the best for both of them, but I’ve always wondered about the sort of person who breaks up with one person to date their sibling.

I dated a young woman at one point who had a very attractive sister. It never crossed my mind to try to cross that line, because I liked my girlfriend (we

when i read that this game will run on a standard Xbox One and PS4...

I’d have to disagree as I find the GT-R to be really good looking. But the new face lift they did is absolutely stunning.

Holy cow.

The concrete is curing just fine. It doesn’t need more retardant.

Meanwhile a plane carrying Pre Malone landed earlier without incident. A federal manhunt has begun for Actual Malone, who has vanished without trace.

A white guy with bad face tats, but somehow with enough money for a private plane. Momma lied to me.

Hot take:

Glad I’m not the only one.
