
The problem with doing the bullshit that Musk is doing is that if filters down to all other aspects of the company.

Like too many things now days, it seems like there is a sports team/cult mindset with regard to Tesla. One is either a fanboi or a hater and if one tries to be objective about the products, it is blasted by one or both camps.

Honestly, at this point, I’m done expecting anything from Tesla at this point. All the crazy fans of Tesla still act as if they’re doing something “good” for society buying 100k+ EVs and trashing literally any other competitor. And now they’ll go out of their way to defend the company as if we’re picking on a small

Lyin’ Guardian (very overrated) is trying to say we discriminate. Wrong. Desperate for clicks. Sad. We will win! People are saying this.

So far, everyone is wrong. The “ñ” was dropped for a cleaner logo, it actually pronounced halope-nyick.

I’m a little late to the party, but still shaking my head at these naysayers. I simply don’t believe anyone truthfully thinks publishing this information isn’t in everyone’s interest, with the exception of those with financial ties to Goodyear. And to those people I say, go shout at the CEO for putting you in this

Hiding facts about killer tires>ethics?

Journalist here.. beyond being public info and fair game.. another thing our newsroom considered while confronted with “do we publish?” ethical questions of this nature: (Beyond what Ballaban wrote) we never wanted to look like we were coordinating with law enforcement, the legal system in general, or any other

The journalistic standards are:

I know this is Jalopnik, but even I thought they understood the definition of ethics.

Next week, David Tracy takes down tetanus shot “truthers”

Even if it was under seal, neither Ryan, nor Jalopnik, nor any other reporter is party to the case. As Judge Hannah cited in States Ex Rel Thomas v. Grant, “protective orders generally do not bind a non-party.”

As a photojournalist who’s worked for major newspapers for 15 years, I have seen this happen before. Once.

Our argument is that these documents did in fact show Goodyear was aware of the problem, which clearly and plainly puts them in the public interest.

Ryan, with all due respect, you’ve accidentally strayed into journalism.

From reading the transcript of the call, it sounds like there was confusion on whether or not the records were supposed to be sealed - I could imagine that Ryan just made a call to see if those records would be available, and would have pursued a different angle if they weren’t. Sounds like the court clerk fucked up,

It think it might be


I mostly want to know the many ways people mispronounce “Jalopnik.”

Fantastic reporting, Ryan. Give ‘em hell.