Do You Not Have a Phone, Seth?


Susan Motherfucking Sarandon can wear whatever she wants to my funeral. I would be honored to have her cleavage at my funeral.

I had a bad IUD experience - tried both copper and mirena. But, I’m pretty sure I’m the exception. Everyone else I know loves them. I hate that I can’t use them.

Well, boys, right? What are ya gonna do, gosh golly?

But almonds are Natural!

I would like to know what was actually said. All I see are people talking about what she said. What did she say exactly?

suddenly no longer want to see this movie that i was so excited about. :(

I have a 14 year old son. He’s so fucking chill. He loves kittens and tiny dogs. He can’t help but spoil his little baby cousins. The littler girl? He melts and will do anything they want, give them anything they want. He gets annoyed when I dont’ let him open doors or carry heavy things for me.

How do you offer a scale of 1 - 10 without indicating which end is which?