
Those accounts are fake. None of them have ever proved they’re actually staff and when asked to they post pictures you can google.

Cool cool. So when is the network going to give her her job back and pay her for subjecting her to that and ultimately firing her on the words of a predator?

Lol south jersey is so fucking racist. She didn’t learn anything new in Alabama.

Seriously girl know your worth.

They deserve each other. Get your money girl.

“I’m not a feminist but I am a humanist” said one of the 30 white actresses who may be either Sienna Miller or Kate Bosworth, clearly demonstrating that she doesn’t know what either of those words mean.

I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you but you can’t indict a sitting president in state or federal court. Subpoena and depose, yes. Prosecute, no. Everyone around him will go to jail or plea out and he’ll be an unindicted co conspirator but he’s not going on trail. It’s up to Democrats to flip the house in 2018

Lol ok you lost me at swastika is fine.

Howdy neighbor

Again. Not how that works.

Dear lord your whole story is horrendous and infuriating. I’m so angry for you! You could have died! I don’t know how you correctly identify women who actually need those resources but “would you like information on services to help you get started” is probably better than “hey you’re black so you must need this”.

I’m so angry that that has to be a factor in your decision. Reproductive justice includes women being able to have children if they want them without fear that someone will make that more difficult or dangerous for them.

So one sexual assualt is fine but a lot isn’t? So how many times can you assault someone before it’s an issue? 2? 3? 5?

Check out #empythepews and #churchtoo

Savage’s church prayed for HER forgiveness. Not that she find forgiveness for him in her heart. They prayed that SHE would be forgiven for HER sins just like Mr. Jesus Man was forgiven for his. If you’re curious as the how the Exvangelical movement is processing this check out #emptythepews

That’s not how that works.

But flags... represent... governments and organizations? What? The flag represents the body of states known as the confederacy. It’s not a southern pride feel good flag. While not literally the flag of the CSA it’s come to represent that through ahistorical political theater. People who fought for the confederacy were

I feel like I’m recalling that Khloe favored an uncle on her father’s side? It also doesn’t help that Kim and Kourtney look more alike than typical sisters (although that could be the surgery) so Khloe seems to look more different from them than normal.

One of the wealthiest, most successful people in the world and doctors STILL don’t take her seriously about her own body. But sure, black maternal mortality is just a factor of “access” and “education. Ok.

Nearly all of them explicitly mentioned slavery in their articles of secession. But it “wasn’t about slavery”