
I am super annoyed at your boyfriend right now. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS?!?

My boyfriend's ex is not taking us very well and he still refuses to remove her from Facebook and stuff because of REASONS. I keep arguing that he should do it so she'll take the hint and stop calling at 2 in the morning and believing she'll get him back by posting inspirational messages.

Doesn’t it provide a fantastic corrective to the usual media landscape where all ladies are supposed to be 5'8" and 120 pounds? I particularly like it because, as a society obsessed with the fairly meaningless number of the scale/low body weights, we tend to forget how heavy muscle is. I sometimes struggle to feel

I want to say that’s some editing trickery... But it’s not!!! That’s more amazing than anything Bolt or Phelps does by a long shot.

Yas King!

And to which peripheral man may we attribute this win?

did NBC’s commentator say she was swimming like a man?? i swear i thought i heard him say something like that but i hope i misheard him.

Girl was done and celebrating before the second place swimmer had even hit the wall.

A lot of people care more about animals than human beings. See: Cecil the Lion vs. the suffering of so many in Africa.

Because children aren’t asking how people have sex.

That was my reading of his problem, too. Like, Nick, damn man. You don’t need to explain anal sex to your 5-year-old to talk about gay men. That’s not the conversation you are having.

Someone should ask her who her favorite humanist is.

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

I don’t think it’s inherently racist to wonder if those were real words. My husband is from the virgin islands and his mother is from antigua. A few months ago at a party all his cousins were like, “I don’t know wtf she’s saying.”

What exactly (other than to sow doubt and as more of that soft racism they are so fond of) is the purpose of releasing college transcripts and why do the Republicans keep demanding it when they won’t release this?

My four year old learned how to ride a bike on our camping trip last weekend! :D That was exciting. My big accomplishment was my first plane trip since my string of panic attacks. I was totally fine. And my friend who went with me was freaking out so I had to calm her down through the turbulence. Lol. We were rewarded

I have a really bad habit of picking at my skin, mostly on my face. Particularly whenever I have any sort of zit or scab or something. Has anyone had the same problem and been able to stop?! I think I always need to be doing something with my hands. I find myself doing it most often when I’m sitting at my desk or in


I WOULD WATCH THAT CHILD READ FROM THE YELLOW PAGES. As long as I got a toothless grin here or there. Best 80s kid ever, and I say this as a former 80s kid.

This show is so goddamn good. A few thoughts-