
She’s playing a British character. Even though the movie is set in America, Emily/the filmmakers decided to keep the main character British

i’m sorry but i cannot understand why they chose to NOT set this movie in fucking england. they even got Emily Blunt! WHY. why do this to me. the drinking culture in the UK combined with the adorable little pre-mixed g&t’s really made the story for me. It was somehow more believable when i thought it was set in

I’m going to guess you haven’t seen the movie, because Jones’ character in no way is portrayed as stupid or less than the others. She’s an integral part of the knowledge they need because she is a voracious reader of history/non-fiction and knows everything about all the buildings’ histories.

Hey, man, don’t worry! There’s someone for you to identify with in the film! The antagonist (I mean, you can’t really call him a “bad guy” because he’s really just a sensitive individual pushed into action by the circumstances of his life and really just misunderstood —actually is it possible “anti-hero” is a better

I loved when Kate McKinnon’s character asked Kristin Wiig’s character how she could stand to wear pointy-toe high heels and Wiig said they’re terribly uncomfortable.

My 7th grade English teacher actually had this interesting project for us where we DID have to write the instructions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And then she acted out our essays as we read them. There were a lot of sandwiches consisting of entire bags of bread holding entire jars of PB and J (Put

At a quick glance, that pic looks like Trump’s head is atop the body of a serpent, which is so on-point that my personal canon is going to reflect that it’s true from now on.

So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

No. It means that you already have characters that look like you from Spanish -language and English -Language markets. They don’t need to cater to White latinos anymore than they already do.

Your phenotype is already overrepresented in the media.

Those kinds of characters really skeeve me out. As does Shirly Temple. it’s like overkill cuteness. Similar feeling maybe 5 years ago when model Kate Upton would go overkill with the sexiness, like, “I’m wearing a bikini while riding a cow and eating multiple ice cream cones to make you think about my huge milky

I am not feelin’ that yellow dress... I also think, after looking at the majority of the men pictured, that it’s about time for women to start showing up to red carpet events looking like they just got out of bed and had to throw some shit together quickly too.

Oh dude. I love you, and lord knows the K family are weirdos, but the Kardashians are not responsible for Lamar’s addiction.

Uhhh... Lamar?

It’s probably going to be a group of anti-government white guys, bc that’s the kind of people that do this shit in Texas. But we will just have to see. The situation is still unfolding.

Fuck the race of the attackers, this shit is just sad all around. Even if the attackers were Black, and purposefully killing cop, it won’t change my stand with BLM movement.

Or how about her personal plastic surgeon with the weird voice and bizarre speech impediment? Yeesh.

I’m so sorry for your loss and your friend’s loss. Philando sounds like a great person and for everyone who knew him, their hearts must be aching.

I have an oily face and scalp - hence my soon to be ended (or modified) love affair with dry shampoo :( But I’ve found that as opposed to my hair, my face is much much happier when I don’t wash it - or at least not with soap. A good exfoliating scrub in the shower twice a week, with a daily quick swipe with a

Using the events of the past to predict the future? That’s witchcraft!