
1. Read a horror anthology a few years ago, first story was one in which Jesus was a vampire still alive ( ? ) in the Vatican sub-sub basement. Anybody know it?

IF ONLY FOR THAT it would be worthwhile

If they have one with Yul Brynner's face and wearing a Colt, I'm so out oh here

lack of evidence is NOT evidence of lack

He had a VR4. I used to work and park same lot as him. We used to joke about it

I live in Zacatecas, Mexico. Every day, outside the local mercado, 2 guys with iced up coolers filled with cane rat. People buy them by the bag. Big local delicassy.

And yet noted rtich guy/car enthusiast Dave Letterman used to regularly get speeding tickets in his

The Chinese WILL build the world's tallest building in 90 days, and on the 91st day, it will be overcrowded

"If we hold the 2 phones real close, we can get 3D"

That the same reason I drive only my Stanley Steamer. Good enough for me. Bwahahaha

Betwixt my wife and I, we have 7 between us, AND over 4,000 books in the library.


website calls it microcosm and it's in Kansas

why yes, yes it would

"Anderson has said that The Master is partly inspired by the life of L. Ron Hubbard, but it's not based on the genesis of Scientology. Despite major the many, many parallels between Anderson's story and real-life events, it's clear that Anderson is just using Scientology as a jumping-off point for his own weird story

"Daniel Craig and Judi Dench manage to suggest that the real connection between them isn't maternal or whatever, but simply based on the fact that they've both crawled through shit and they're both deeply angry people who would fall apart in seconds if they stopped being pissed off"

What's all this then ? Nothing to see here, move along

Babylon 5 ????

But NO WMD ! If so, why are we invading ??

"Ang Lee? isn't he the dude who screwed up The Hulk? "