
"This plot intrinsically requires you to accept that the North Koreans are an unbeatable force —"

only if he's spent the eons in an iceberg. Hey, wait a minute. (Rushes to computer to write movie outline)

Something something something witty

Louisiana. proudly voting Republican since ~ 6,ooo BC

James, James, James. it's FOX . Haven't you learned anything???

Even though I am a gear head and love car magazines, Instopped reading Motor Trend in my teens. Their tests and their COTY award were much to dependent on a\dvertising dollars and other fctors that weren't objective IMO.

"Some of the others are from the future, but they didn't have the tech so no reason to keep their future clothes."


Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when you were thinking of buying a PC, the pundits of the time said to ask yourself what you want to do with it. Don't buy too much or too little PC based on what your planned day-to-day use was going to be. This is no different. There's still a use for desktop, laptop ( of

Jerry Ryan - worshiped by each and ever 90s Tween/Teen boy.

That law was made in 2016, part of the Sex Non-discrimination Act sponsored by the ILGHRC Presidential bid

" And Clooney does look passably like Tesla"

Too easy Frank, much too easy

Future Fashion Fact : Most people will wear clothes not very different than what most people wear today, with one exception. In every group, one woman with a hot bod must wera a body suit that hugs every curve she has. This was made law in 2015.

TnuoccaRenrub NOBODY, I repeat NOBODY likes a smart ass

"I'm not sure why there are only ever a few such TV shows at any one time"

Obviously you haven't heard about the end of the world ( as we know it) on Dec 21 2012.

"Do people not understand how Apple works yet?"