
Thanks, you beat me to it. These Gizmodians are getting slightly behind the times.

Neither does anyone else, sort of the point, Innit?

Feb. 28 , however, is somewhat problematic

A couple I knew ( 3 actually) from a somewhat misspent youth, and I'm 65 Y/O

Took a look at all the pics @ and couldn't help thinking about 20 years in the future, someone buying remaining model(s) at auction and turning them into the worlds coolest kud's electric car. I mean a motor, some batteries is all you'd need really.

I was a kid who grew up poor, and did the same. Now my son, who works for the NYDS, and makes an obscene amount of money at times, does old school street scene rapping/dj with a similar setup.

I guess you've never read Stross. He is half kidding.

Pick a big chain store. Any one. You'll be treatsd like crap. I'm a retired Phaarmacist, used to do part time at K-mart, as did my son. Can not begin to tell the horror storiesabout that.

pay employees minimum wage, treat them like shit, overwork them, or in some cases overwork them without overtime pay, and expect them to act civilized

Oh good ! It would only take around a century to get there, and I would weigh > 1200 pounds when I did. For sure, that's where want to go

The loveliness of Paris is somehow, sadly gay

Ya beat me to it.

"That means launching fuel and cargo and spacecraft in separate pieces on existing smaller rockets, then assemble and go from Low Earth Orbit.

Great company and idea, but not original, sad to say.

I used to live in NY City, and now live in Central Mexico.

Only fair, really, after what we've done to them.

Since I'm of Polish extraction, all my passworeds are really obscure polish words, mixed with numbers and puctuation. No problems for years now

Don't think so. Companies like BioJet is cutting the world’s annual consumption of jet fuel (excluding military) of about 2 billion barrels

What was not posted was after the recording was made, he said " So long, and thanks for all the fish"

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, Sony owned the personal music business. Then through a series of bad decisions, they no longer did.