
It's all good until the slick starts to form from a leak.

It hasn't been "about the kids" for quite a while. I have 4 young grand daughters, and they wouldn't touch a Barbie. The y want an iPod, iPad or Nexus Tablet. BTW, the OLDEST is 11

Why? where have you been the last 10 or so years, under a rock?

Damn you CJ !!

Basically, I agree, but, there's nothing wrong, per se, with being an Armstrong-wanna-be. You look stupid, but there's very little else wrong with it.

This is sad, and gets sadder every day. The GOP seems to be imploding, prominent members are making the most stupid statements in the history of politics.

"Rather pricy though for casual riders. "

John Dies At The End:

You DO realize that this is a "humor" piece, and it isn't really "serious"??

Now playing

Even the bad guys don't want to hear those monologues

And with TV's in their tum-tums

I got your Soma right here:

how about phablets?

Hd at last, HD at last. Good gawd awmighty, it's HD at last !

"The Palm Treo could auto format text"

"Don't fire 'till you see the whites of their eyes"

Sorry, so sorry, you're wrong.

So far, in the last 3 years, I have purchased more than 6 Vizio TVs, for myself, and for friends and relatives. They have been and continue to be the best "bang for the buck"

at the risk of showing my /. roots you really must RTFA !

So your headline is false. Fat people CAN help getting fatter. o why did you...LIE !!!