
I was a fan, not a huge fan, my tastes went more to Gomez and Morticia. But you are right about this. Re-makers should be shot.

"This sounds just awful"

"There's nothing more fun then screwing with audiences perceptions"

But, by that time, sea borne aircraaft carriers will probablyn be replaced by these

When I was about 8, my future brother in law bought me a 1 transistor AM radio kit from the $hack. Put it together , it used 1 D size battery, and would only get WQXR in NY City, the classical station. Just to prove I'm older than dirt, I was listening when they broke into scheduled programming to announce Castro had

Not the point now is it?

Is that the math equivalent of a grammar Nazi?

Thanks for that link on the Chiappa

What? No love for Brad??

Ah, you forgot, "and bite my shiny metal ass"

Ever read Strosse's "Accelerando"? And you wonder where the idea for Google Glass came from.

Beat me to it, Doc. At first I said "Holy Crap". I think the fakery was on pur[ose to maybe cartoon-ize it a bit for censors. Too bad

Nah, too simple. Let's go with the complicated scenario.

Wait, SyFy? seriously, Syfy???

Who woulda thunk it? Intelligence , with Time Travel.

Squee, squee, squee, all the way home! The question remains however: how could cashcleaner NOT love District 9.

The Power Of Christ Compels You !

"Oh wait. It did."

You must have missed the memo, we've been there for a while actually.

"I personally believe we shouldn't regulate anything, personal choices in particular. "