
I can understand your feelings, but just don't share them. Nam vet, survived. Woman I'm with is resourceful as hell, would do nothing but help the situation.

"No, if civilization falls, I want no part of the aftermath"

"city dwellers did not fare well at all"

How could you possibly not realize it?

Why would we necessarily want to be "Re-creating society"? Why not try for something a bit better? Not a lot better, of course, given the failure rate of Utopias.

"Would you want to survive a devastating event that turns society on its head? "

"I like the products Apple is putting out"

RIM = Zombiephone

I already eat pizza for breakfast.

"the smallest one swam away with the female."

"It's gone from tangentially weird adventures to random internet humor (lots more cutaways). "

Oh yeah, sure, Netflix. If you live in the US, that is. Me? I live in Mexico and the Netflix selection blows chunks. Oh well, there's always VPN and HULU.

"That ain't too P.C. btw."

And that is the sad, sad truth

That's something that can't possibly be debated.

Have a generic Chinese tablet, A9, ICS, and it's a bit finicky as to what it likes, Launcher Pro works, may not be the ultimate, but it works for me

Used Save to Reader (now Pocket) and was very satisfied, using Pocket now on a generic ICS 7 inch tablet and it works fine. Why I would want to pay for something that replaces a free app beats the hell out of me

"Sometimes, movie number two is better than the original, "

might depend on which island we're talking about. climate and all.

and that's propounced "meethane"