Right! If anyone collectively acknowledged anything its that the casino bit needed work.
Right! If anyone collectively acknowledged anything its that the casino bit needed work.
They did sort of prove that they are having an effect on business. They put out some ticket sales numbers saying so many millions of Black Panther tickets were bought by movie pass holders, they failed to prove that these tickets wouldn’t have been sold without movie pass’ existence, but it’s still compelling.
This is hilarious, the guy thinks he’s having “fun” while the rest of us just cringe so hard at how much of an ass he’s being. He may be right in what he’s saying, but he’s saying like an ass.
So disappointing, but to be honest it didn’t seem a good fit with Xbox anyway. I preordered it cause I liked its visual style but I was confused at first to see it was Xbox exclusive. I hope Sony buys it up. Much better fit I think.
Sorry to break it to you dude, but the guy holding her in the flash back was the alien Unkar Plutt, the alien played by Simon Pegg who was in possession of the millennium falcon, after 3 viewing I can confirm the hand and skin are his. Doesn’t mean you aren’t still possibly right with your theories anyway, Kylo could…
This is great, I backed it. But what kind of record did it break exactly? I’ve backed things that had more backers and made more money or even had a higher ratio of raised funds over asked funds.