
Well Jessica Jones is just a downright repulsive human being. I wished she was the one getting her neck snapped at the end.

Fingerprints don't change with age. But its not the most definitive thing to use when you're claiming something like ownership of 51% of a company. DNA would be the definitive thing. He can be identified using a distant relative. If his parents had DNA information, it could be used to identify him as an offspring. But

Because she is in some ways in the comics. She's a modern day samurai in the comics. More apt for her to be a sensei than samurai. Its just the actress isn't convincing at it.

Same way that Charlie Cox isn't traditionally handsome. But he's effing hot (oh I miss that black outfit!) and massively charming. That's the thing that sells him for me as Matt.


I agree. Danny and Luke were always better when they were a team. Some of IF should have been used to set up Heroes for Hire.

To be fair, Danny here isn't the same Danny in the comics. But then so was Jessica Jones. I probably had more problem with Jessica Jones than I did the other shows. Jessica Jones went in circles and the only good thing in it was Killgrave. It was like they completely disregarded who Jessica was and instead of an

I'm Asian who happened to study martial arts. I'm not offended by it but some of it does scream stereotype. But I also read comics and that has always been what Iron Fist was. Its a character born out of the whole 70s martial arts/Asian stereotype. One of the things I can praise the show is that it didn't make him the

As an Asian, that bugged the heck out of me. cringey.

The expectations are natural. Iron Fist is supposed to be one of the best martial arts fighters in the Marvel Universe (I believe only Shang-chi exceeds him). We saw how good DD's fight choreography was and people naturally expected IF to top that. But it didn't. I'd be willing to accept the not-so-good plot if the

Amell was already a little ripped before that so it wasn't much of a stretch. Charlie Cox though… now that's dedication. Watching him on Boardwalk Empire and in DD… he doesn't look like the same person.

Too bad he didn't work on his acting.

DD is the standard. We have Philip Silvera (who also did Deadpool) and Chris Brewster to thank for that.

It does to an extent. I practiced Aikido for 9 years and because I was a lot taller than the other women in the group, I was always paired with men. Nothing like a nerve pinch can bring a 300lbs guy to the ground in pain (aikido may look beautiful but it can be downright painful). Certain martial arts use the

There was a way for them to have her be believable i.e. nerve strikes.

Martial artists don't have to be massive but they have to be convincing. Bruce Lee wasn't huge but the guy was ripped.

I cringe everytime Colleen Wing fights to be honest. She's so stiff and unconvincing. IF's stunt crew really have to understand that women fight differently.

The only good fight I saw in IF was in the computer lab near episode 11 I think and the moves were done by another character.

Its not worst than Arrow's worst. I could never really bring myself to watch anymore Arrow episodes to be honest. Iron Fist is not as bad as people especially critics are saying but its slow to build up and its unbalanced with most of the good stuff happening in the last 7 remaining episodes (something that critics

My major gripe about this show is just how wasted he is as a villain because he's so good. He could be Fisk or Killgrave-level good.