
As an owner of every playstation console released in North America and a customer of Sony for over 20 years I will simply say this....Get a Scorpio.

ok so men get generalized by an author, who wouldn’t know what a real issue is if it broke down her door, ransacked her house, and stole her dog, we defend ourselves from obviously false accusations and we are does that mean when feminists do the same thing they are babies too? Oh wait I forgot, double

no, its all serious...apparently people really can be this stupid....who knew?

ok after reading through the posters twitter I now see that this article is actually anyone with the power to do so please remove this mind numbing, self serving, sexist shit....oh wait I forgot you can only be sexist if your male....

Wow...All I have to say is this article reminds me of the eco-feminists from futurama.... just so laughably bad.....manthreading, manspreading, men primarily use twitter to harass you even listen to yourself speak? You’re article can in no way be taken seriously when its nothing more than a vehicle for the