
One thing stands out to me that a lot of men could do that would probably improve their relationships with women (or their chances for developing a meaningful relationship with a woman): Deepen their relationships with other men. A lot of men are lonely and isolated, and look to women to solve this an other emotional

5. Statue of Liberty
4. Disney Anything
3. Mount Rushmore
2. “Niagra” Falls
1. Bourbon Street

I’m not a parent, but my mother has dealt with depression and bipolar. This article is very important, I think, because the way this mental health problem was dealt with in my family was not good for me as a child. I really do encourage seeking treatment and explaining mental health to children from as early as

Just want to respectfully say there is no “right” way. There are differents ways : stem, tip, slice, cut in half... There is no banana peeling police. Even monkeys, as you point out, have many ways to eat a banana.

The trick with cauliflower rice is drying it out. I never bother making my own (pain in the ass and heads of cauliflower are somehow more expensive than the frozen steamer bags), but after I nuke it I spread it out on a sheet pan and sock it in a low oven until the edges just start to brown. If I don’t need it

Ninja Air Fryer

Ninja Air Fryer

I don’t know how their test ended up, but here’s what Mythbusters and research by a professional driving instructor (me) has come up with.

As owners of both, let me be the first to say:

Vote: Python

I would add that if you're going to want something on the flight (a book, your ipod, whatever) have it in your pocket. Worst case have it in a backpack small enough to put under the seat in front of you (ie if you need a laptop). My pet peeve is 'that guy' who gets settled into the middle seat and needs to climb

I put everything in my pockets into my backpack\computer bag (whatever bag that I am putting under the seat); phone, change, keys, wallet. I keep the front pocket empty just for this purpose. Also, I put my belt, jacket, hat, etc. into my carry on. Again, usually the front pocket. The goal is to only have to take

Dressing semi pro makes it a lot less likely that security will invoke the "Extra Screening" on you. Men: A polo shirt and decent jeans with slip on shoes makes it easy to breeze through security. Women: A decent blouse and jeans works. Check in at home and print your boarding pass. Infinitely quicker than talking

Great article. Here's a few tips of my own.

Another tip: Dress smart. The rule for flights is to dress comfortably, but you also don't want to dress like a slob.