Phoebe B

Bought a refurb of the Aria from Newegg the last time this deal was posted. Had to send it back; scale was all sorts of messed up. Beware.

Bought a refurb of the Aria from Newegg the last time this deal was posted. Had to send it back; scale was all sorts

There’s a concerning number of negative reviews for that third-party seller on NewEgg - several of them specifically citing problems they encountered with this product’s “refurbishing”. It’s an attractive price, but to me it’s not worth the risk.

There’s a concerning number of negative reviews for that third-party seller on NewEgg - several of them

Eugenics is the dehumanization and criminalization of people deemed “undesirable”. Dating only people you like and find attractive does not even begin to compare. This story reeks of eugenics and racism:

I’m sure that’s what the people in Gattaca thought and we all know where THAT lead. To an under-appreciated sci-fi great.

Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in existence. Less than 0.025% of women experience major complications, and less than 2% experience even minor complications. Abortion providers give great information on what to do in the extremely rare circumstance complications arise.

I still don’t understand why people are against eugenics. We’d still have diversity, just less so in the realm of disease.

Having an abortion is not necessarily life-changing. It’s a medical procedure. Having a baby is absolutely life changing. I think most 15 year olds are pretty capable of saying, “You know what? I am not equipped to be a mother.”

Life changing decisions? You mean like having a fucking baby at 15?!?! All women need to have the same bodily autonomy we allow men in this country. If a 15 year old doesn’t want a fucking child she probably shouldn’t be talked into it by adults, don’t you think?

actually, only the men will be riding dinosaurs. we’ll be stuck in the cave.

What? So you can choose who you want to marry and have children with, but you cannot choose a sperm donor? What’s next? Cameron is being a right busy body. He should stay out of people’s personal reproductive business.

Isn’t picking who you have babies with also kind of eugenics by that definition?

My husband and I have each seen it twice, once with each other and we took one of our kids. We are planning to see it again as a family over Christmas vacation. I think that is something overlooked - this is a movie that the entire family can see together. I took my daughter to a morning showing on a Sunday and it was

I know a white male who saw the movie and was completely disgusted that a woman and a black man were the leads. He's a complete fucking moron.

I've already seen it twice and plan on seeing it again. I will gladly hand over my money to this franchise as long as they keep churning out good movies.

I’m a full-time shelter worker*, donate my “extra” cash to four different charities (ASPCA, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, The Wild Animal Sanctuary) on a monthly basis, and frequently use my own money to buy supplies for my job that I am not able to be reimbursed for, and have three

I have two dogs. One is mostly a dog, though we love her a lot. The other is our child. It’s due to their personalities. My cockapoo is very doggish. She is of medium intelligence, filled with love, and kind of bumbling. Our chihuahua is super smart, really tuned in to us, easy to train, empathetic, fun... She behaves

If your kid is coming to school with no bag lunch and no money to buy lunch, I don’t give a shit about whether that call would be embarrassing for you.

I agree with you in theory, that there should be protocols put in place, but in reality, the logistics of chasing families in a school with 500+ kids is impossible. Maybe just have an auto-replenishment linked to a parent’s credit card every time it dips below a certain dollar amount.

...but you have to live in the Midwest.

It’s a Segway, but smaller and cheaper. What’s not to get?