
Still blows.

Don't forget to bring a banana.

Up until I saw that film I had a fairly positive opinion of Bay based on his silly but entertaining oeuvre up to that point (Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon).

Completely agreed, with the show doing such a good job that it's made me want to go back and finish the series (stopped after The Magician King) or even start the series again from book one.

Was watching a roundtable of women discussing the presidential election and one of them, a right-wing political commentator, was complaining about how she felt she couldn't admit to having voted for Trump and how she felt discriminated by this.

It would also help to jettison the Electoral College so that everyone's vote counted equally, sort of a foundation for democracy, but that isn't going to happen any time soon so long as it benefits the party that keeps getting proportionally greater representation than their actual received votes would suggest or

Not ashamed to admit having looked specifically for videos and movies of her and Karine Vanasse speaking French, though not, unfortunately, in the same video or movie.

The MDMA studies that fascinate me the most are those with terminal cancer patients and how treatment with MDMA in a controlled, supervised setting allowed them to overcome their depression and fear of mortality.

Happiest moment for me wasn't the return of Team Grimm to the land of the living, partly because of the suspicion that there was little chance that the series would end on such a *cough* grim note, but the reveal twenty years later of the updated and computerized Wesen database, no doubt initiated at the behest of

Not yet, but one of the characters did make a Star Wars reference, the parent corporation squeezing their investment that much harder for maximum returns.

As did Extant.

Once you go photonic you never go platonic.

IZODs are cool again?!

Hank futilely pounding at the encroaching vines with the butt of his shotgun was a great and hilariously incongruent moment of hilarity in an otherwise tense and terrifying attack against team Grimm.

She could learn a thing or two from her father-in-law.

Ebert's commentary track on Dark City begs to differ.

I look forward to our Gucci-wearing, Nintendo-playing, extremely efficient overlords.

"He could have killed him."

Lilly, at least, put some thought into her wager, calculating what Julia would need to bet to guarantee the win and then figuring out her maximum wager based on Julia missing FJ and losing that rational bet.

Julia's wager made no sense since, as you note, if left her no cushion if she were wrong and didn't guarantee an outright victory if she were right, ultimately relying on a wildcard spot to advance in both cases.