You and Jack Thompson would get along great.
You and Jack Thompson would get along great.
He bought a war game to play a war game, and for that he deserves to get maimed and develop PTSD?
When did the furry fandom become a homogeneous political entity?
Also, the statistic you pulled up isn’t relevant to Sam’s assertion, so...better luck next time I guess.
I have to support someone else’s assertion by doing my own research now?
I don’t see quite how that’s relevant, but I guess that depends on your definition of ‘furry’.
If you assert something as factual, you need to support your claim with valid evidence. The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim - i.e. the one that samwise970 did.
I think you mean the *politically* correct term would be the British and Irish Isles. Regardless of how the Irish might want others to label our respective islands, the fact is that this group is referred to as the British isles.
Would you like to support your assertion with evidence, or is your comment just based on Gawker-bullshit?
Think all the threats that an aircraft has: machine guns, tanks, snipers, gun batteries, the terrain itself during fog, other aircraft specifically designed for dealing with aircraft, etc.
I enjoyed the beta and I like certain aspects of BF1, but I don’t like it enough to buy more of it - and that’s speaking as someone who was fully prepared to pay for BF4 premium when BF4 was still fucked.
Well, I’m glad Riot isn’t the PS2 dev - 80% of Ceres would get banned and the game would die.
It’s a South Park reference.
Look, I’m not trying to sell any bullshit here. I was 15 stone and constantly felt shitty - went on CNS and lost 2 & 1/2 stone in two months, and felt great.
Horrific deplorable violence is okay, so long as nobody says any naughty words.
I don’t know what to say.
For anyone with this type of job where exercise is an uncommon occurrence, I’d seriously recommend CNS. It’s a cyclic ketogenic diet that has a tonne of health benefits in addition to loss of fat, but the great thing is that it’s perfectly viable for sedentary lifestyles - if you’re going to be working like this,…
See, I love mayonnaise (three heaped tablespoons of it on my pork every day for supper) but Japanese Mayo just tastes off to me.
“This is not a very good real time strategy game.”