
Someone needs to go update the Wiki on Blu-ray Discs hint hint :) But, good to know. It was more about correcting the bits/Bytes issue though as I’m sure you guessed.

*facepalm* You do understand that glasses can actually correct vision right? Next you’ll start posting about that we don’t need refresh rates about 24 hz...

A Blu-Ray disk will hold 50 GB not Gb so it’s more like 40 seconds at 10 Gb/s...Capitalization matters...

Well, these go to [nine]. That’s one more.

I mean a *very* expensive toll road. No less than $20 say. As high as $50. Ensure only people who want to drive it would drive it.

What “LA car show” are you talking about? The LA Auto Show going on right now has a Type R as the centerpiece of the Honda display. The graphite brushed metal wrapped one that’s been making the rounds. It was pretty hard to miss...

My brother got married at Big Sur the second weekend in October. Spent a night in Morro Bay then drove up the 1 the next morning to get there. So. Many. Mustangs. And not one knew how to drive. It was very nearly the most frustrating driving experience I’ve ever had. And it was made worse by being in such a

This is the shifter in my 2016 Golf R. My part, done it has been.

2015? Oh, so it’s still got a warranty. Take it in and get it fixed maybe?

That guy was really obnoxious.

I had the phone screen as well (submitted about it to tips@ actually) for the show audience. A number of us seem to have gotten the launch taping as a consolation prize. But there were tons of people who only got invited to the theme sequence taping the day before (I think as people like me who had been invited the

I was a little disappointed the Ford GT pulled the same trick the one at the Petersen has pulled...

I was there as well. Met some cool folks; never have I ever seen a Pagani in person before and it along with a ROLLS ROYCE with a Spitfire engine (not a Bentley, dude...there wasn’t even alcohol lol) and flame spitting creatures was pretty cool.

The windows in my 2016 Golf R would like a word with you if you think this isn't still an issue.

Has anyone heard confirmation yet if they were selected to be in the audience? I was interviewed but haven't heard anything back yet. Been a week and a half. Guessing I didn't make the cut, which is OK - just hate limbo.

I can’t be the only one entertained by the idea of a droid called R0-H5 (header image). Heh.

You're all monsters.

There's no crying in truck ramps!

Thought that looked familiar. My girlfriend and I were talking about these a few weeks ago, wondering how often they get used and how successful they are. Pretty cool to see.