“Well, then, leave him... at home.”
“Well, then, leave him... at home.”
Didn’t Fred’s drunk driving conviction make it impossible for him to become Jughead’s foster father? Which still sort of sucks, but I don’t think makes him a monster...
(a single tear rolls down Luke Perry’s face)
Understandable. Veronica was right in her accidental flirting: Archie Andrews, watch your back.
Haha, oops! Good catch.
Looks like we’re all learning music/history today. Which is quite an accomplishment given Riverdale’s last music/history teacher was killed early in the season.
Agreed. That was my main takeaway from the whole episode. All the other Riverdale dads can pack it up.
Very happy with Sheriff Keller’s upgrade to thirst trap.
if I had to pick one highlight other than genre legend Tony Todd, it would be Josie’s reaction to Pop wanting to see her at church
Brit Morgan as the snake charmer on this show is a scarier villain than she is with superpowers on Supergirl as Livewire.
Came here to post an appreciation for “And we let her have the front seat?!” I definitely had to rewind like four times because I couldn’t stop laughing over the next couple lines.
Eliott’s freakout while digging had me laughing so hard and also his “and we let her have the front seat?!” was great. Everyone is excellent in this. Can’t wait to see where this season goes!
<3 Portia & Elliot <3