Your post got me curious. According to this chart:
Your post got me curious. According to this chart:
I got a strip of holographic mirrored tint that flares up when assholes behind me in a lifted truck or idiots running with the high beams are on. Quite fun watching them cycle through the lights to get it to stop reflecting in their face.
Protein simulation is one of the most computationally intensive branches in the field, one of those things where there’s more possible solutions than there are atoms in the universe and all that. Also the best known algorithms are still vulnerable to things most search algorithms are, such as local maximums.
Good for him. As many others have said, he NEVER would have gotten a fair trial in Japan. What is “honorable” behavior when your captors are not treating you anything remotely resembling ‘honorably’?
Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good embryo with a gun.”
If it was a legitimate shooting, the body has ways of shutting that whole thing down
I had some idea that something like this would inevitably happen after that draconian law was passed, but I’m still horrified to have that suspicion confirmed. Fuck you, Alabama.
This might be an easier one. On the one hand, this one almost featured a play at the plate. On the other hand, Tony Gwynn is just a bit faster than Bartolo Colon.
So cost per mile might be cheaper for personal ownership, but especially in the case of SF, I’m guessing they didn’t take into account the cost of storing said car. My friend who lives in an apartment there spends a few hundred a month to even park his car in the apartment garage. Home costs are through the roof,…
i posted this before i read your message, but you’ll probably never see it otherwise so:
They will outlaw abortions, but leave newborns to die if their parents can’t pay hospital bills.
As a human being who doesn’t live in Alabama, I wouldn’t mind seeing Alabama (& most of “The South”) burn to the ground too...& would probably enjoy the spectacle.
As a woman in Alabama, I want everything to burn to the ground.
hey man we’re never gonna lie to you