
So instead of Hackintosh, we have HackiPhone/HackiPad?

I have 2 boys, and I cut their hair with a Wahl clipper. It’s easy, quick, and cheap (free).

Exactly. Fiduciary duty extends to the owners (equity/stock owners) and not the employees. The game rules were written by the wealthy LONG ago, and they’ve played the game over and over to the detriment of us poors.

I hate PayPal, so this is welcome news.

The pic doesn’t show your wife’s face, but congratulations!

I recently ordered some food from Amazon. First batch came in fine, but when the second batch came in, one of the food bag (resealable ziplock type) had been opened and half of the content was missing.

You mean like some Asian dude pretending to be John Ryan Jr.? No, I don’t think I worry too much about that.

Yes, but will it have 100% torque at zero RPM?

I love the EGO lever. What will happen if you pull the lever?

True, but if you look at the tests that runs, the best in stopping distance, grip, and comfort/noise categories are often more expensive than tires that didn’t perform as well.

Seriously, I see people skimp on tires and brakes all the time and spend thousands on engine/suspension/tune/wheels. If you’re going to “upgrade” your car, the first thing you should upgrade are your tires. I used to run Michelin summer/snow tire depending on the season but recently made the switch to Pilot Sport A/S

All they need to do is hire some token Asians and it’ll be a hit in China.

It just means rich people will be able to enter, and us poors will not. And the poors already in NYC will be stuck because if they left, they can’t afford to get back in. It’s a secret scheme to get rid of us poors so the rich can have Manhattan all to themselves without the pesky poors.

I rode in business class section of Chinese’s bullet train a few years ago (which for some odd reason is a higher priced section than their first class), and through a clear glass window you can see the engineer driving the train at hundreds of miles per hour. You can totally see that the guy was fully focused on the

Sounds more like how the Chinese Communist Party would run a company. I guess the mandarin (orange) doesn’t fall far from the tree?

I hate the 993 steering wheel. 987/997 steering wheels are light years better.

I grew up listening to KNX1070, initially because the parents can get traffic reports for SoCal every 10 minutes (and then 6 minutes). When I grew up KNX1070 became my go to station as 102.7 & 105.9 became kind of trashy to my ears, and 103.5 was just too much smooch, and 104.3 had too much oldies.

I would like them to clone new lungs. (ex-smoker)

You’re a Jalop and you didn’t have a dash cam to capture all this? Sheesh!