
I would put all of Florida there first.

Except loss of appetite. These people eat more calories a day sitting down than an ultra-marathoner on a lengthy run.

Unless it’s flooded like Houston was, they usually won’t. Perfect material for manga creators like Adachi Mitsuru.

If you’ve never had a chance to live in China, you’ll never realize how racist the Chinese can be. What we consider racism and negative views towards The Other are built into their language and culture, and the Chinese (and other East Asian cultures) pride on homogeneity. Harmony = you should all behave and act like

They must have PS’d his nose down a few sizes on this pic.

CBU is like Liberty U, but in Cali.

This is why we hire Tom.

Nissan’s cost cutting measures mean the engineers milk their decade old designs for all they’ve got.

Yes! I’ve talking about this for years! Why can’t we have a similar system of licensing, regular updating, and insurance system for gun owners? It’s a right, absolutely. But it’s also every other citizen’s right to know that gun owners are *actually responsible* (financially) for the potential destruction their

Unfortunately, the GOP’s war on public education means that a whole generation of Americans don’t know how to think critically.

Advocate for well regulated licensing and insurance of all gun owners. You want to be a responsible gun owner? Then get insurance for when you might snap and shoot some people(s). Let the insurance companies decide whether or not you’re fit to own a gun - when $$$$ is on the line, you can bet gun owners will be well

Wonder when the “this is a false flag op” conspiracy theory from the right will come out, like they did for the Sandy Hook shooting.

The same people who voted in GOP and their ilk on small government and self responsibility want government handouts when shit hits the fan.

So Anthony’s Weiner’s wife can theoretically grab his phone while he’s sleeping and use his heart to unlock his phone and see whom he’s been sending his weener pics out to?

And Tom Price wants to know how the government can pay for his travels on these rockets.

Unfortunately the GOP is trying very hard to dumb down education and make sure people are not informed.

38? He looks like he was closer to 48! This is your skin/face on drugs.

No Dave.

Says former owner of a 1993 Hyundai Excel.

Apparently you’ve never met McKinsey “consultants”, who bills a company over $20M for a team of college grads to learn about said company’s business and regurgitate same company’s internal PowerPoint slides (pretty’d up) back to the management and say “voila!”.