
Is this some kind of automated response from google? Every single Firefox release we get almost an exact copy of this message. FF uses by far the least amount of memory for me, and now performance is completely on par with Chrome. With FF's better extensions and customizable interface I like it much better.

Neat except the same could be said for any big selling game, WOW comes to mind. Why not then just say games as a whole, oh wait one step further and we have entertainment as a whole. Perhaps it's fair to say people like leisure time instead of working. novel.

Same here, i like my PS3 but Move is lame. Kinect is where it's gonna be at next gen.

This article is really silly and grossly stretches what I've seen him say.

Yea FSAA is definitely a lot less crisp than your 8X MSAA shot. Because that's what the algorithm does as it's explained above, essentially looks for edges and blurs them where as MSAA actually anti-alisases edges themselves. You don't get something for nothing here, MSAA is definitely the way to go if you can

I'd prefer them to make a 10" Super AMOLED Plus tablet with Ice Cream Sandwich. Yes, "Plus", no Pentile.

Unfortunately like almost all PS3 exclusives this game will both be very good, and be a flop. I doubt sales will be good, it's too late to the party anyway.

Cool but did they fix their piece of crap voice chat on PS3 yet? It worked perfectly in Bad Company 2, then this garbage comes out.

csb, tia.

Yea when I first saw the redesign I thought it was the worst design I've ever seen on the web until I thought to myself "no way would there not be able to be a way to change this". It took a minute but I found it, good tip.

I'll be looking for the GOTY edition too, hoping all these bugs get worked out.

true but google maps keeps everything you've looked at cached, so just look at all the floors ahead of time. I just did it for macy's in NYC as a test, works great.

Agreed, this is the only reason i use task killer if something happens with an app as you described. Which is very rare for me but it does happen.

Wrong. If anything rooting an Android phone is the best way to keep it secure. Security and bug fixes are patched into CyanogenMod (Android 2.3.7) well before the rest of Android gets them. Most phone manufactures don't even update the OS past a couple more patches. And with Android 4.0 having even better security

in other words, wait a few months for CM9 to be released for it and it'll be an awesome phone to have.

Agreed completely. Then they face customers wanting updates (example: Android 4.0) and they have 100 phones to go through and troubleshoot. This is absurd how many phones they are releasing.

The only single difference i noticed between PS3 and 360 was the little bit of water misting in the cave wasn't there on PS3. The PC version is clearly the only real difference and it blows the other two away.

PC > 360/PS3

Einstein said it fairly well in that "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

With squads and mics still not working, i'll be playing MW3.