
3D Dot Game Heroes, and Bad Company 2 on PS3.

Cool, I bet there will be lots of Star Warsy stuff in Modnation Racers people make.

He makes a fair point. I still plan on buying FF-XIII on PS3 soonish. But because of what I've heard I want it to be no more than $30.

@Squirrelbot3000: that's the dune buggy from BC1, yea its weird its not in BC2 just the quad. I still want them to convert Atacama Desert to Rush.

I'd actually consider using Chrome instead of Firefox 3.6, however I absolutely can't stand the fact that there are no bookmarks like Firefox. Its so incomprehensible to me that I cant click Bookmarks and see all my bookmarks instantly (i keep a lot)... Firefox is the best browser anyway, F Chrome.

wow this is really weird but my setup is almost identical to yours with the cat. I have the same cable modem and use a WRT54GL with Tomato. I also have a WRTSL54GS too.

These tests are BS, I haven't been impressed with Opera at all. Safari seems to load pages faster and more smoothly than Opera with almost everything I throw at it. Not to mention its warm start is what I use and that loads almost instantly where as Opera I gotta wait. The zooming isn't as good, the tabbed browsing

@Platypus Man: while your at it check out Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Blu-rays, free online gaming, need i continue?

Bad Company 2 maps were free, hahahahaha

@Blastarr: me neither, plus you got PS3 therefor have all the best games on the market, and if you got a PC you can still play "exclusives" like L4D and Mass Effect 2.

GOW3, like Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, or MGS4 could make anyone a fanboy overnight.

Firefox 3.6 is ftw. Low memory usage, rock solid stability, open source, tons of extensions and personas, etc. I use it daily in both Linux and Windows.

I wouldn't really call them hideous, they look perfect as they fit in with the whole LBP art style. Oh man I love that game, I should get back into it I still didn't platinum it.

@LucasReis: Uncharted 2 is awesome, I got the platinum in it and I still think about going back to play it again. You should also look into Demon's Souls if you haven't already. Masterpiece too.

@TehBeardMan: yea nice job not putting Jameson on that list of liquors Lifehacker. Especially on St. Patricks Day. Anyway its Guiness and Jameson for me tonight!

This article is complete bullshit. Even if it was true they used a 1 1/2 year old DISCONTINUED playstation 3. The new one draws ~50 watts LESS than even the Xbox 360.