
Laptop Hunters was hardly a failure. Some of the others, no argument.

Exactly as people have pointed out...that's why all of Google's other stuff is FREE.

The irony of Lucas is that in his early interviews he constantly admonished that special effects were there only to aid in TELLING THE STORY.

Forget about just sci-fi...the original BTTF is in a class with Empire Strikes Back, as one of the greatest *movies* of all time.

C'mon Ford, Acura had this in 2004.

@bombastinator: All of the major newspapers have internet sites, where they update news by the minute, not by the morning.

Most people never even look up.

The next 25 years will bring three inevitable technological changes:

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Two points working against your theory Jesus:

@Dacker: Common knowledge?

@PaddyDugan: Don't worry, I'm sure some future liberal will propose a Department of National Rescue, to be outfit with helicopters and airlift vehicles, filter *our* money through a staff of 10,000 people, and then-and-only-then, will we be able to rescue wayward GPS victims ... for FREE.

Hmm. Can we really compare a JPEG and a WebP side-by-side if the composite image is saved as JPEG?

@hawkeye18: ^^ This. Maybe Microsoft has learned something in the past 10 years. i.e. Have a sense of humor, and don't annoy your users.

I demand privacy.

@dcdttu: Everyone (but Sprint) is going to LTE as their next generation technology.

Seemed like kind of a bland ad, to be honest.

TODO list 9/9/2010: